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The Mysterious Disappearance and Death of Allison in Somerville, Tennessee

The disappearance of Allison from Somerville, Tennessee on July 19, 1989, is a haunting story that has puzzled investigators and family members for decades. Allison, a white male, was 50 years old when he went missing, and for years, it was believed that he had left of his own accord. However, in 2005, a shocking discovery changed everything.

A sack of bones was found in a shed near Allison’s home, and upon examination, his identification and dental plate were found in the bag. Investigators now believe that Allison did not leave on his own but instead met with a tragic end. In January 2007, the skeletal remains were formally identified as Allison’s, but the cause of death remains a mystery.

The discovery of the bones in 2005 led investigators to revisit the case and consider new possibilities. It is believed that Allison’s wife, who was alive at the time of his disappearance, may have played a role in his death. However, before investigators could question her, she died of natural causes, leaving behind many unanswered questions.

Allison’s disappearance and death have left a lasting impact on his family and friends. They are left with the burden of knowing that he met with an untimely end and the frustration of not knowing what truly happened to him. The case is a reminder of the many missing persons cases that remain unsolved, leaving families and loved ones with a sense of loss and uncertainty.

The circumstances surrounding Allison’s death are especially troubling, as it is believed that his wife may have played a role in his disappearance and death. The lack of closure and unanswered questions have caused pain and anguish for his loved ones.

The case also highlights the importance of investigating missing persons cases thoroughly and with care. In the case of Allison’s disappearance, it was not until new evidence was discovered that investigators were able to reconsider the theory of him leaving on his own. The discovery of his bones and identification in a nearby shed was a crucial turning point in the investigation.

Allison’s case is also a reminder of the importance of seeking justice, even in cases where the perpetrator may no longer be alive. While his wife may have played a role in his death, she passed away before she could be held accountable for her actions. However, the case remains open, and investigators continue to seek answers.

In conclusion, the case of Allison’s disappearance and death is a tragic one, leaving behind many unanswered questions and a sense of loss and frustration for his family and friends. The discovery of his remains and identification were a crucial turning point in the investigation, but the cause of death remains a mystery. The case is a reminder of the importance of investigating missing persons cases thoroughly and seeking justice for victims, even in cases where the perpetrator may no longer be alive.

Source: WHBQ FOX 13 News

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