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The husband witnesses as his wife is removed from life support, but then she unexpectedly says, “Get me out of here!”

The decision to terminate life support for a loved one in dire circumstances must be one of the most agonizing decisions anyone could face.

When Ryan Finley’s wife, Jill, slipped into a coma, he found himself having to make this heart-wrenching choice.
Discovering her unconscious and struggling to breathe, Ryan rushed to her side before emergency responders arrived, doing everything in his power to revive her.

Despite administering CPR and praying fervently, he knew the odds were against her recovery.
Jill’s heart was weak, and her breathing was shallow, yet paramedics managed to stabilize her and rush her to Oklahoma Heart Hospital, where they induced hypothermia to minimize brain damage from oxygen deprivation. Tragically, she slipped into a coma.

Ryan kept vigil by her side, praying daily, refusing to lose hope even as weeks turned into days without any sign of improvement. Eventually, he was faced with the agonizing decision of whether to disconnect her life support.

He documented that fateful day in his journal, describing it as one of the darkest of his life.

“Today might be the worst day of my life. I have to decide if she’s going to die,” Ryan wrote.
After soul-searching and imagining what Jill would want, he reluctantly agreed to remove life support.

With family by her side, Jill experienced what doctors called a “final rally” before they expected her to pass.

At that exact moment, to Ryan’s astonishment and relief amidst his grief, Jill began speaking. She asked him to take her to Ted’s or Melting Pot, two of her favorite Mexican restaurants.

Despite the surreal turn of events, Ryan held onto hope that his beloved wife would pull through. Miraculously, she did. After undergoing heart surgery and recovering, Jill regained the ability to breathe on her own.

Although Jill recalls nothing from her time in a coma and continues to struggle with short-term memory and speech, she is otherwise healthy and cherishes the second chance at life.

The couple now treasures their relationship more than ever, savoring each day, minute, and hour together.

“We appreciate each day now more than we did before. It really puts things into perspective,” Jill shared.

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