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Playground Craze Leaves 11-Year-Old Boy “Looking Like an Alien” – Mom Shares Grave Warning for All Parents

As children, we all do foolish things. Growing up involves learning to avoid potentially dangerous activities.

Unfortunately, children are susceptible to peer pressure and other influences; even the brightest kids can be persuaded to take part in risky behaviors.

Just ask Tyler Broome’s parents, who had to cope with their son’s severe injuries after he tried “the roundabout of death,” a YouTube fad that has gone viral.

The name reveals a lot, but for Tyler, it wasn’t about a daring stunt; it was a chance to impress his friends with his bravery.

After being subjected to extreme gravitational force (G-force), the 11-year-old suffered injuries similar to those seen in fighter pilots.

The “roundabout of death” fad involves riders sitting in the center of a playground roundabout while the rear wheel of a motorcycle spins the structure at high speed.

Tyler was found unconscious at the roundabout shortly after the incident, possibly with brain and eye injuries.

Powerful Force
It is believed he experienced G-forces similar to those felt by pilots and astronauts.
Tyler and his friend were reportedly at a local park when a group of older teenagers approached them and dared them to join their game.

Terrible Ordeal
“I don’t recognize my child – he is on the verge of having a stroke. Tyler sat on the roundabout, and the boy who came over was about 17. Tyler doesn’t know him; they are not friends,” his mom Dawn said, per British newspaper The Independent.

“He put his motorcycle on the ground, got the roundabout spinning at such a speed. When they all stopped, the group just took off – it is bullying.”

Dawn said the doctors and nurses at the hospital had never seen injuries like her son’s and had to do some research before they could start treating him.

“The injuries were so extreme, he just looked like the Elephant Man. They have never seen it before; they are going to make a medical report from it.

“His head has completely swelled up, his blood vessels have burst, his eyes look alien. His vision is blurry. You can manage a broken arm, but this? He doesn’t remember it; he doesn’t remember the details.”

Remember, parents, that kids are curious and may try things we would advise against.

Young Tyler and his loved ones are in our prayers.

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