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Paul Harvey’s 1965 Warning Broadcast: A Chilling Reality Today

In 1965, a memorable warning was aired for all to hear. Over fifty years later, it has sadly materialized, and hearing it now is chilling.

Although Harvey was known for his accurate reporting, few could have predicted that his famous words of decades ago would be prophetic, reflecting today’s reality In fact more than fifty years ago , the legendary ABC radio commentator, born Paul Harvey Aurandt in 1918, in 1965 and appeared to be observing the current state of America during the broadcast.

Although Harvey was known for his accurate reporting, few could have anticipated that his famous words from decades ago would turn out to be prophetic, mirroring today’s reality. Indeed, over fifty years ago, the legendary ABC Radio commentator, born Paul Harvey Aurandt in 1918, seemed to predict the current state of the United States during a broadcast that aired in 1965.

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