Political News

Nancy Pelosi Reveals Alarming Details About Trump’s Health

In a recent appearance on KTTV-LA’s “News at 6 PM,” Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) made a striking assertion about former President Donald Trump, suggesting signs of a “cognitive disorder” based on his statements at a campaign rally. (breitbart.com)

Trump claimed he offered ten thousand troops, a proposal supposedly declined, leading Pelosi to dispute his account. She contended that Trump’s verbal missteps were not mere confusion but deliberate attempts to make a case, emphasizing the danger in his false claims, particularly regarding troop assistance. ( 📺 No Way Out for Trump after Huge Fine, “He’s Going to Pay”, Lawyer )

Pelosi connected Trump’s refusal to deploy the National Guard to hours of suffering during the Capitol riot, implicating key figures in his administration. ( 📺 Trump Faces Allegations Committing New Crime in Court ) Accusing him of inciting insurrection and perpetuating falsehoods, Pelosi underscored the need for accountability, stating that no one, not even a former president, should be immune from facing consequences under the law.

Her overall message was one of condemnation for Trump’s alleged role in the Capitol riot and a call for accountability. (wrestling-edge.com) ( 📄 The Trump White House was fueled by prescription drugs, shocking new report )

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