Political News

Biden’s Move: Dispatch of Federal Troops and Armored Vehicles to Texas Signals National Guard Removal

Amid escalating tensions between the Biden administration and Texas over border policies, reports reveal a troubling development – military equipment and federal armored vehicles are being transported by rail to the Texas border. The situation intensifies as the Biden regime gears up to forcibly clear out Texas National Guard troops and State Police, deepening an already contentious standoff. Republicans, from the Texas House to former President Donald Trump, rally behind Governor Greg Abbott in defense of the southern border, decrying what they see as unconstitutional border policies implemented by the Biden administration. ( 📰 Woman Suffers A Stroke following Getting Her Hair Shampooed In A Parlour ) In a united front, 25 states co-sign a letter in support of Gov. Abbott, with at least 10 states sending National Guard and State Police to assist Texas amid fears of a “potential conflict” with the Biden regime.

Photo credit: news-us.feednews.com

A U.S. Army Stryker battle tank, symbolizing the military might in play, becomes a focal point of the escalating situation. The Biden administration’s shocking move to federalize the National Guard, deemed unprecedented in American history by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, sends shockwaves. ( 📄 Hillary Clinton Breaks Silence As Her Bold Prediction For The GOP Nominee Comes to Light ) Gov. Noem expresses her concern, highlighting the gravity of the situation, “This would be the first time in American history that a President would activate soldiers to NOT protect the US and stand down – to make us less safe and not protect the United States of America.” As tensions reach new heights, Gov. (news-us.feednews.com) Noem commends the men and women on the border for their valiant efforts to “slow down this invasion” during these unprecedented times.

The Biden administration’s ultimatum to Texas, demanding federal access at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, TX, reaches its deadline, adding another layer of intensity to the standoff. The armed clash between Texas National Guard troops and federal agents at Shelby Park, which commenced on January 12th, reveals the guardsmen’s unwavering resolve in blocking federal access. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, refusing to back down, cites federal statute and the U.S. Constitution in response to a DHS letter on January 14th. Paxton sheds light on inconsistencies in the federal commitment, emphasizing the withdrawal of U.S. Border Patrol from Shelby Park and the lack of water-rescue capabilities in the Del Rio Sector.

In a damning letter to Biden in December 2023, Speaker Mike Johnson holds the administration responsible for undermining America’s sovereignty and security. The letter highlights the consequences of ending the Remain in Mexico policy, reinstating catch-and-release, and halting border wall construction. Disturbing statistics from CBP data reveal over 8.1 million border encounters since Biden took office, with a staggering 218 encounters with individuals on the terrorist watch list since 2023 – a significant increase compared to the last six years and President Trump’s entire term.

Texas National Guard troops, standing by the concertina wire, embody the resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Biden, deflecting blame onto Congress, faces criticism for the administration’s handling of the border crisis. The proposed $110 billion funding package, with $14 billion allocated to the southern border, draws scrutiny for its priorities. Senator Josh Hawley raises concerns over the allocation, revealing that 600 federal agents were relocated to perform tasks like making sandwiches and babysitting illegal migrants.

As the deployment of military equipment and federal armored vehicles unfolds, the nation watches anxiously. The question looms – will this clash between Texas and the Biden administration reach a breaking point, further straining the delicate balance between federal and state powers? The emotional and political maturity of the American audience is tested as they grapple with the consequences of a conflict that could reshape the landscape of the nation’s governance.

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