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Teen Mother in Custody Following Facebook Image of Distressed Child Causes Public Outcry

A shocking incident in Virginia has led to the arrest of an 18-year-old mother, Alexis Breeden, after a distressing image of her 14-month-old son was posted on Facebook, causing widespread outrage. The image depicted the toddler hanging from a hook in a door frame, suspended in the air by his twisted t-shirt, clearly in distress. Breeden turned herself in to the Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Office after a felony warrant was issued. The disturbing photo, taken by Breeden, was posted online by the child’s father as an act of revenge following an argument between the former partners. The image quickly spread on social media, prompting the local sheriff’s office to investigate the matter. ( 🔗 “Senator Lee Rebuked by Liz Cheney: A Condemnation for Spreading J6 Conspiracy Theory” )

Photo credit: Alexis Breeden (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Upon investigation, Sgt. James Konicki clarified that the child was hanging from a plant hook, not a nail as initially suspected, and thankfully, the child was physically unharmed. The father’s act of revenge, posting the image to get the mother in trouble, led to Breeden facing felony child abuse charges. ( 📈 The Surprising Link Between This Tea and Elevated Lung Cancer Risk: Unveiling the Reasons ) The father, however, was not involved in the alleged abuse. Despite the child’s physical well-being, the incident reflects a disturbing reality where a child becomes the victim of a retaliatory act between parents.

Photo credit: The image of Alexis Breeden’s son that was posted to social media and sparked outrage. (Photo Credit: Facebook/CBS6)

Remarkably, this is not the first time Alexis Breeden has faced legal trouble. ( 🔗 Alabama Death Row Inmate’s Survival After Lethal Injection Sparks Intense Capital Punishment Debate ) Before this incident, she pleaded guilty to an assault and battery charge against a family member, assaulting her mother. She underwent anger management classes and a mental health evaluation but violated a court order, leading to additional charges. Released on a $2,500 bond for the recent child abuse case, Breeden faced criticism on social media, prompting her defensive response on Facebook. However, her tone changed later, expressing regret and asserting her love for her son.

Photo credit: Alexis Breeden with an infant, presumed to be her son when he was younger. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

While Breeden insisted the incident was intended as a joke, law enforcement officials emphasized the seriousness of the situation. Sgt. (raresimple.com) Konicki described it as “heartbreaking” and highlighted the emotional toll on a child victim. Authorities placed the child in the care of another family member, allowing supervised visits for Breeden pending the outcome of the child abuse case. The incident raises broader concerns about common sense and decency in parenting, emphasizing the importance of recognizing when a joke goes too far, especially when a child’s well-being is at stake.

Photo credit: Alexis Breeden, being 18 with a 14-month-old, was very young when she gave birth to her son. (Photo Credit: Facebook)
Photo credit: Alexis Breeden with her son (Photo Credit: Facebook)
Photo credit: Alexis Breeden lashed out on Facebook at those who question her parenting skills. (Photo Credit: Facebook)
Photo credit: Alexis Breeden is adamant that she loves her son and the image was just a joke. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

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