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Innocent Schoolgirl’s Arm Shredded by Uncontrollable Dog in Terrifying Canine Class Incident

In a shocking turn of events during a routine canine training class, a terrified schoolgirl, Annabell Rowden, endured a nightmarish ordeal as a massive dog lunged at her, tearing flesh from her arm and shattering it in two places. The unsuspecting eight-year-old was ruthlessly mauled, reminiscent of a rag doll tossed aside. The attack, which occurred out of the blue, left Annabell traumatized and in excruciating pain.

Only through the heroic efforts of her horrified grandfather, Steven Rowden, and the assistance of a dog trainer, was the animal finally pried off the helpless girl. Annabell was immediately rushed to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, where she underwent a grueling five-hour surgery to repair the fractured bones and treat the nine deep cuts inflicted upon her.

Her mother, Sonia Rowdon, expressed her outrage, deeming the attack “unacceptable.” Determined to seek justice, she plans to take legal action against the dog’s owner once their identity is established. Cambridgeshire Police have launched an investigation into the incident, which took place on June 11 at 10 a.m., to uncover the circumstances surrounding the vicious assault.

Reflecting on the severity of the attack, Sonia remarked, “If it had grabbed her face, or heaven forbid her stomach and caught her internal organs, this could have been an entirely different situation.” The terrifying incident unfolded while Annabell was under the care of her grandfather, who had taken her to a reactive dog training course at a playing field in Horseheath, south of Cambridge.

During the session, the large dog, believed to be an Anatolian Shepherd, engaged in a minor altercation with a German Shepherd. Despite the owners separating the animals, minutes later, the ferocious dog broke free from its owner’s grip and launched a sudden assault on the defenseless Annabell, who stood just meters away.

Steven, recounting the harrowing event, revealed, “We were given instructions that the dogs were to be kept on the lead at all times, and under strict control. When it attacked, it bypassed my dog, me, another dog and its owner and made a beeline straight for my granddaughter. It was only for a second or two, but it shook her like a ragdoll.”

With swift action, Steven and the class trainer intervened, managing to pry the relentless dog off Annabell. She was swiftly transported by ambulance to receive urgent medical attention. X-rays confirmed that both bones in her forearm had been fractured, and she suffered deep lacerations, necessitating immediate surgical intervention.

Although Annabell is now recovering at home, the emotional scars and the possibility of further surgeries loom over her. The Rowden family, deeply angered by the dog’s uncontrolled behavior, emphasizes their commitment to responsible pet ownership. As owners of two huskies themselves, they stress the importance of having the necessary support and control to manage powerful animals.

Steven voiced his concerns, stating, “You hear about a child being killed by a dog, but the other children that get maimed and mutilated by these things, you very rarely hear about. People need to be made aware.”

Amidst this distressing incident, Cambridgeshire Police have raised a criminal case against the owner for allowing a dog to be dangerously out of control. As the investigation progresses, authorities hope to shed light on the circumstances leading to this alarming attack and raise awareness about the potential risks associated with dog ownership.

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