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Teacher Quits Over Mandatory CRT Training in Loudoun County, Virginia

During a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, an emotional educator resigned in protest over mandatory Critical Race Theory (CRT) training.

Teacher’s Resignation Sparks Debate on Critical Race Theory
Laura Morris, a teacher, made headlines when she spoke out against the prevalence of CRT and other political agendas in public schools. Her heartfelt resignation at the Loudoun County School Board meeting highlighted her concerns about the impact of “equity trainings.”

A Stirring Speech
Laura Morris, who spent much of her career teaching at Lucketts Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, used the platform to express her disappointment with the school board’s direction. She passionately criticized the enforced political ideology and “equity trainings” she felt were being imposed on students.

Citing CRT, Morris stated she could not continue working in a system that pressured her to promote divisive agendas at the expense of “our most vulnerable constituents – the children.”

Free Speech Concerns
Morris described an atmosphere so repressive that forms were distributed to report anyone criticizing the school board’s policies. This raised concerns about free speech and the potential suppression of classroom debate.

During the equity trainings, Morris recalled being told that “white, Christian, able-bodied females” dominated authority in schools and that this needed to change. Her resignation letter emphasized the discomfort caused by these trainings and fueled discussions about how to approach such topics in education.

A Courageous Stand
Laura Morris’s powerful statement concluded her speech, suggesting her resignation was a protest against the school board’s political ambitions. Her departure underscored the challenges teachers face in promoting open discourse while adhering to institutional requirements that may conflict with their personal convictions.

Critical Race Theory and educational equity continue to be contentious issues nationwide, underscoring the need for schools to address these topics thoughtfully without compromising values like open dialogue and respect for diverse perspectives.

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