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Snowless Roof Leads to Cannabis Bust in Dutch Village

Several residents of a Dutch village raised concerns with authorities after noticing something unusual at a neighbor’s house. Little did they expect this would unfold into a story involving drugs, law enforcement, and legal repercussions!

Specifically, during a heavy snowfall period, neighbors observed that snow didn’t accumulate on a particular section of the roof, sparking suspicions of illicit activity.

Upon investigating, police officers confirmed their suspicions were accurate when they discovered a thriving cannabis cultivation operation inside. The heat generated by the grow lights prevented snow from settling on the roof, causing it to melt rapidly.

Authorities in the Netherlands have been actively cracking down on illegal cannabis cultivation operations exposed by melting snow.

Drug producers in the Netherlands are encountering unexpected challenges with their roofs devoid of snow.

The building’s owner faces potential imprisonment for growing cannabis on the premises. While personal use of marijuana is tolerated in the Netherlands, residents are limited to growing a maximum of five plants at home.

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