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Woman Was ‘Dead’ For 27 Minutes, But As Soon As She Woke Up She Scribbled A Spine-Chilling Message…

After narrowly escaping death, Tina Hines awoke and wrote a chilling note for her loved ones.

Last February, Tina and her husband Brian were looking forward to a hike near their home in Phoenix, Arizona.
Tina had always been healthy, but just as they were about to set out, she collapsed.

According to Brian, he knelt beside his wife, who had turned a dark purple, and started performing CPR on her.
The mother of four was briefly revived, but Brian had to revive her again before paramedics took over.

Tina was resuscitated a total of six times before she regained consciousness in the hospital, with medical staff losing her several times during the terrifying ambulance ride and subsequent treatment.

Tina and her family told AZfamily.com that she was essentially dead for a total of 27 minutes.
While in the hospital, intubated and unable to speak, Tina motioned for a pen as soon as she woke up so she could jot down her mysterious message, which she said related to heaven.

Tina Hines scribbled “it’s real” in nearly illegible handwriting, referring to the glimpse of heaven she claims to have had during the 27 minutes she was “dead” after suffering a severe cardiac arrest.

Tina told AZfamily.com, “It was so real, the colors were so vibrant.”

She recalled seeing a figure standing in front of dark gates with a bright yellow light shining behind them, which she believes was Jesus.

When her loved ones asked what was real while she was still intubated, Tina simply nodded upward.
Tina is thankful to be alive and able to share her incredible story.

Outside of a hospital setting, nearly 90% of patients who experience sudden cardiac arrest do not survive.
However, Tina’s husband’s CPR likely made the difference between life and death.

When CPR is administered by a bystander, survival rates for cardiac arrest increase significantly, from 10% to over 45% (although women are 27% less likely to receive CPR from someone other than a paramedic).

The fact that cardiac arrest occurs completely unexpectedly is one reason why it can be so deadly.
Even Tina, who had no history of cardiac issues or other health problems, could experience a sudden electrical malfunction that stops her heart.

Over 356,000 people in the US are affected by this devastating health issue each year.
According to numerous studies on so-called “NDEs” (Near-Death Experiences), most people have no memory of the brief periods when they were technically dead, but a remarkable 10 to 20 percent report visual or sensory experiences.

Scientists are getting closer to understanding what happens in the brain when the heart stops, as mysterious as these experiences may seem to those who have had NDEs.

Blood flow to the brain stops after the heart stops beating.
However, a small 2013 University of Michigan study on rats found something peculiar seemed to happen immediately after sudden cardiac arrest.

The researchers induced cardiac arrest in nine rats and observed a surge in brain activity just before each animal died.
They described this as “a widespread, transient surge of highly synchronized brain activity that had features associated with a highly aroused brain,” occurring in a dying brain, not mere activity.

In other words, the brain behaves as if it is still very much alive in the initial seconds after the body has ceased functioning. It may even appear “hyperactive.”

They hypothesize that individuals who experience near-death visions, particularly those that align with their expectations of what they will see after death, may do so due to this surge of unexpectedly organized, likely conscious brain activity.

But definitive scientific proof of this theory remains elusive.
While Tina and her family found her note difficult to decipher, they believe the message was clear: heaven is a real place.

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