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Parent Displeased After Discovering Teacher’s ‘Cautionary’ Note On 7-Year-Old Daughter’s Homework

Seven-year-old Alyssa was handed a worksheet by her teacher, which included a cautionary remark in red ink stating: “Kindly refrain from writing your name in cursive. This is not the first reminder.” This incident has sparked discussions. While acknowledging the authority of teachers, discouraging a child like Alyssa from practicing cursive appears unfair. Though cursive may not be a top priority in every curriculum, it is a skill worth cultivating. It requires focus and dedication. Hence, Alyssa’s endeavors should be commended rather than criticized.

Cursive writing fosters a child’s concentration and perseverance, qualities that merit encouragement. Instead of sending discouraging messages, educators should offer constructive guidance and praise to young students who willingly undertake the challenge of mastering this intricate form of writing.

To sum up, rather than issuing warnings to children like Alyssa, educators should acknowledge their dedication to cursive writing and provide positive reinforcement. Cursive, although not universally emphasized, should be valued for the beneficial skills it instills in young learners.

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