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Lip readers have unveiled what Ben Affleck said to Jennifer Lopez during their notable red carpet “disagreement.”

Recently, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have been in the news for less positive reasons, as their apparent clash on the red carpet grabbed headlines.

Since the event in Los Angeles, rumors have circulated, with eager paparazzi snapping shots of the famous duo in what seemed to be a heated discussion.

However, it’s important to note that many media reports likely sensationalized these claims. Nevertheless, a professional lip reader offered some insights into the issue.

According to the lip reader, Affleck and Lopez seemed to be in disagreement over poses and camera positions during their time in front of photographers, as reported to FEMAIL.

In their conversation, J-Lo was heard asking her companion if her low-cut top was too revealing, a moment that quickly became viral as photos spread.

“Don’t worry, darling,” Affleck reassured her, leaning in close to Lopez’s ear. “Everything will be fine.” Sensing her unease, Lopez then requested him to come closer.

Affleck, well-known for his role in “Dogma,” approached Lopez and remarked, “That’s it for us,” before giving her a brief kiss on the lips and asking if she was alright.

The couple’s behavior on the red carpet captured everyone’s attention, especially after a TikTok video emerged the following day showing Affleck “slamming” a car door in Lopez’s face.

This incident, swiftly dubbed “awkward” online, fueled speculation about the challenges faced by this high-profile couple.

Naturally, the events at the premiere the next day further stoked these rumors. Fans may recall a previous incident involving Affleck and Lopez that also made headlines. Reportedly, Lopez had urged Affleck to appear more enthusiastic at the Grammy Awards.

“Look more approachable,” J-Lo allegedly instructed. “Try to convey some enthusiasm.” Affleck’s response was nonchalant, “I think I can manage that.” Later, Affleck denied any discontent at the event, stating he had enjoyed himself.

Watch the video of the supposed “incident” on the red carpet:
Despite the negative press surrounding them, it’s comforting to see that Affleck and Lopez appear to have a harmonious relationship.
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