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Introducing the “Trueblue Twins”

Twins may be a common sight, but the uncanny resemblance between two separate individuals often sparks curiosity.

Nonetheless, amidst the vast array of twins, Megan and Morgan stood out. At the tender age of four, their eyes, resembling clear water, captivated hearts worldwide after their mother shared their images on Instagram.

Twins may be a common sight, but the uncanny resemblance between two separate individuals often sparks curiosity.
Nonetheless, amidst the vast array of twins, Megan and Morgan stood out. At the tender age of four, their eyes, resembling clear water, captivated hearts worldwide after their mother shared their images on Instagram.

When Megan and Morgan Boyd entered the world nearly four years ago, their mother’s Instagram posts quickly gained traction, earning them the endearing nickname, the “Trueblue Twins.”

While parents often cherish snapshots of their little ones, the twins’ striking features set them apart, accumulating over 153,000 Instagram followers.

And it’s not hard to see why, isn’t it?

Born on June 6, 2011, these girls have a unique story.
Their mother, Stephanie, coined the term “Trueblue Twins” owing to their remarkable blue eyes.
To distinguish between Megan and Morgan, one needs to focus on their eyes specifically.
Megan boasts a pair of striking blue eyes, unlike Morgan, whose right eye sports a contrasting dark brown hue.
These snapshots offer a glimpse into their lives as nine-year-olds.
As with many twins, identical attire is a common sight among the Trueblues.

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