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Dog the Bounty Hunter’s daughter reveals troubling truths about his relationship with his late wife Beth.

Duane Chapman, known by his stage name Dog the Bounty Hunter, gained fame through his own TV series that aired for eight seasons. Despite having two children of his own, his behavior has been questioned by his half-siblings Bonnie and Cecily.

The controversy began when they were excluded from their father’s marriage to Francie Frane. It’s important to note that Beth, Bonnie’s mother and Chapman’s longtime wife, battled throat cancer from 2017 until her passing in 2019 at the age of 51.

Two years later, Bonnie and Cecily were not invited to Francie and Dog’s wedding, sparking Bonnie to express her frustrations publicly, revealing details she had previously kept private in hopes of maintaining a relationship with her father.

Bonnie alleges that despite Beth’s efforts to help him become “the best man he could be,” he frequently cheated on her. She claims that Beth endured his numerous affairs with friends and strangers alike.

Moreover, Bonnie accuses her father of holding racist and homophobic beliefs. She believes his decision to exclude her from his wedding stems from his disapproval of her involvement in “The System,” a program on the UnleashedTV streaming service that advocates for social justice and condemns bigotry and police brutality.

According to Bonnie, her father was dismissed from the same company for making derogatory remarks about colleagues, including racial and homophobic slurs. She has repeatedly expressed disappointment in her father’s alleged return to prejudice.

In response to accusations of homophobia, Bonnie asserts that her father used “horrific slurs” against LGBTQ+ individuals and criticizes him for his association with Pastor Greg Locke.

In contrast, Dog and Francie deny Bonnie and Cecily’s allegations, claiming they’ve been influenced by individuals with a vendetta against him, aiming to disrupt their wedding. They insist that Bonnie’s statements are untrue.

Lyssa Chapman, another of Dog’s children and Bonnie’s half-sister, refutes Bonnie and Cecily’s claims. Lyssa tweeted that her family loves Bonnie and Cecily and is dismayed to see them being used as pawns by dishonest individuals seeking retribution against their father. She emphasized that her father loves everyone and is not homophobic or racist.

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