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A Woman in a Coma Visited Heaven and Met Jesus – She Returned with a Divine Message

Today, with the abundance of Near Death Experience (NDE) stories, it is challenging to dismiss the evidence. Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, this story will make you ponder the fate of the soul after death.

Valerie Paters was involved in a devastating accident with a semi-truck. Her car was crushed beneath the large vehicle, resulting in severe injuries.

First responders at the scene doubted Valerie’s chances of survival.
Her odds of pulling through when she arrived at the hospital were very low.

Doctors held little hope for her survival. Subsequently, she showed no signs of brain activity.
The congregation of Valerie’s church, along with her family, united in prayer for her recovery as the doctors did everything possible to keep her alive.

Valerie’s sister Cheryl never lost faith. She prayed fervently to God for her sister’s survival.

Cheryl cited Psalm 118:17, which says, “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.” Little did she know, her prayers would work wonders.

Many NDE stories describe a bright light, and Valerie’s experience was no different. She recounted that while they waited for her recovery, she visited Heaven, where Jesus greeted her with a smile.

“I felt all the love he had for me,” she said. “I finally felt at home… like I had arrived where I really belonged.”
“Jesus just loves me,” she said. “It wasn’t about what I did for him. It wasn’t my role. It was just me. I wasn’t just his favorite; He loved me.”

The media took great interest in her account and interviewed her, during which she detailed her experience extensively.
The video of her interview is below. Don’t forget to SHARE this incredible story on Facebook with your loved ones.

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