Political News

‘Honeybunch’: Mary Trump reveals disturbing origin of uncle’s pet name for Stormy Daniels

Mary Trump shared with her readers Tuesday night the disturbing origin of a pet name adult film star Stormy Daniels testified Tuesday she was given by former President Donald Trump after the pair had sex.

“It was really hard to get my shoes because my hands were shaking so hard,” Daniels said on the witness stand in Manhattan criminal court. “He said: ‘Oh, it was great. Let’s get together again, honeybunch.’”

That specific word was especially jarring for psychologist Mary Trump, niece of the former president accused of falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

Trump denies the affair with Daniels and has pleaded not guilty to charges brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Hours after Daniels shared this detail of her alleged sexual encounter with the former president, Mary Trump responded in a lengthy issue of her Substack newsletter, “The Good In Us.”

“I can reveal this to you now,” Mary Trump wrote. “‘Honeybunch’ is my family’s preferred term of endearment.

“Can’t believe he called her this.”

Mary Trump also took issue with Daniels’ testimony that Trump compared the adult film star to his daughter Ivanka.

“You remind me of my daughter,” Daniels reportedly testified Trump told her as a compliment to her intelligence. Daniels also testified Trump kept cutting her off. She asked, “Are you always this rude? Are you always this arrogant and pompous?”

“No one knows how Donald came to be who he is better than his own family,” Mary Trump wrote Tuesday. “And unfortunately, most of them remain silent out of loyalty or fear. I’m not hindered by either of those.”

Mary Trump posited a sibling rivalry with his older brother, her father Freddy, forced her uncle to “become his own cheerleader” to gain approval from the family patriarch.

“He began to believe his own hype,” she wrote, “even as he paradoxically suspected on a very deep level that nobody else did.”

Among the hype was that Donald Trump had earned the respect of his own father, she said.

“Donald has always needed to perpetuate the fiction my grandfather started that Donald is strong, smart, and otherwise extraordinary,” she argued. “Because facing the truth — that he is none of those things — is too terrifying for him to contemplate.”

Mary said she found Daniels’ testimony believable because of telling details such as the pet name popular among the family Trump.

“My biggest takeaway from her testimony is that Stormy Daniels appeared credible,” she wrote. “Based on some of what she shared under questioning by the prosecutor, I suspect much of it was incredibly humiliating for Donald as Daniels shared some intimate details.”

“Every lie that is exposed reveals Donald to be the small, insecure man he always has been,” Mary Trump concluded.

“The truth about Donald must be told, and I am the only Trump willing to tell it.”

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