Political News

Dem Rep Who Sat Next to MTG Says What Was Happening to Her Before She Started Yelling at Biden

Representative Gwen Moore of Wisconsin unveiled an extraordinary and discomforting encounter during President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday, sharing her account on MSNBC’s “The Weekend” on Saturday, March 9. Prompted to recount her experience sitting next to controversial Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene during the speech, Moore disclosed that she found herself next to Greene because nobody wanted to be near her. Despite the packed venue, people were actively avoiding Greene, compelling Moore to take the seat to prevent standing during the address. ( 📺 Ridicule Abounds as Joe Biden Releases Stumbling ‘Shrinkflation’ Video on Super Bowl Sunday ) (news-us.feednews.com) Moore admitted, “I thought I would just ignore her, but I couldn’t, you know? I was fact-checking her in real-time.”

Photo credit: news-us.feednews.com

In addition to the desire to avoid standing, Moore expressed a curiosity about Greene, a controversial lawmaker and staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump. She aimed to bring out some empathy and understand if Greene had any, attempting to move beyond the perpetual shock at Trump’s supporters. Throughout the speech, Greene appeared surprised at Biden’s statements and spent the entire time muttering to herself. Moore recounted an instance when Biden mentioned Bettie May Fikes, who she had met during the march to Selma to the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Greene’s response, “1965?” revealed genuine surprise, according to Moore.

Despite Greene’s continuous murmurs and disagreements with Biden’s remarks, Moore observed her disruptions during the address. Moore intervened at one point, correcting Greene who was fuming about shuttered businesses during Covid. Moore responded, “Girl, Covid was a real thing. My eldest son almost died from it, on a ventilator for a week.” The tension escalated when Greene disrupted Biden’s speech, shouting at him to mention the name of Laken Riley, a nursing student from Georgia, whose tragic death has become a Republican rallying cry. Greene yelled, “Say her name!” pointing at the President. To the surprise of many, Biden complied, holding up a white button and vocalizing the name. ( 📄 Resident Cruise Ship Woman Discloses Four Prohibited Activities Onboard ) ( 📰 Biden Faces Moment of Pause and Closes Eyes During Discussion on Hamas (Video) ) “Laken Riley,” the President responded. ( 🔗 Biden Told To His Face By Governor Sarah, “Your Actions Are Detrimental And Are Destroying Americans” ) The emotional intensity of this encounter during the State of the Union address underscores the complexities and personal dynamics within the political sphere, offering a glimpse into the challenging interactions between lawmakers with stark ideological differences. As political figures navigate the charged atmosphere, these moments of confrontation shed light on the human side of politics, where empathy and disagreement coexist, shaping the narrative of the nation’s discourse.

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