Healthy Lifestyle

Resident Cruise Ship Woman Discloses Four Prohibited Activities Onboard

Embarking on the floating luxury of a cruise ship sounds like a dream vacation, but for Christine Kesteloo, life aboard comes with its own set of rules. Known as @dutchworld_americangirl on TikTok, Christine, who resides on the ship due to her husband’s role as Staff Chief Engineer, recently unveiled four things she is prohibited from doing on the vessel. In a video, she sheds light on these restrictions while emphasizing the perks that come with living as a guest and crew member. Despite enjoying complimentary amenities, certain limitations add a unique dimension to her cruise ship lifestyle.

Photo credit: Not a bad view for a free cruise! Credit: TikTok/@dutchworld_americangirl

Christine clarifies that, while she lives as a guest and a crew member, gambling is strictly off-limits. No slot machines, no blackjack, and no roulette for her. She humorously explains, “It would look a little weird if I, as the wife of the Chief Staff Engineer, won like, a big Jackpot.” The rationale behind this prohibition makes perfect sense in the context of her position.

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The second rule involves access to different ship areas. While Christine is allowed in both crew and guest zones, she must visibly display her crew pass in restricted areas, distinguishing her from guests. Additionally, she discloses the requirement for crew members, including herself, to disembark an hour after guests during port stops. This meticulous schedule ensures a clear distinction between crew and guest activities at destinations.

The third aspect involves Christine’s access to recreational facilities like the pool, gym, and spa. ( While she enjoys these amenities, there’s a catch—her usage is contingent on the areas’ busyness. She gracefully adheres to a self-imposed rule: “If the pool is packed, I make sure to get up and give the guests a seat.” Formerly a Cruise Director, Christine understands the importance of maintaining a positive image and not occupying spaces designated for guests. ( 📈 Las Vegas Home Featuring Extensive Underground Party Bunker Faces Difficulty in Attracting Buyers – Price Slashed from $18 Million to Only $6 Million )

The final rule delves into the financial aspect of her cruise ship life. Despite the allure of complimentary perks, Christine reveals that she pays 50 percent for drinks. ( 📄 ‘Shades of Yellow: My Encounter with an Herbal Remedy, Marge Simpson Style, and the Near Brush with Liver Transplantation’ ) However, she offsets this expense with discounted rates for internet usage and savings at the spa and onboard shop. It becomes apparent that the cruise ship experience, while privileged, comes with a blend of complimentary and discounted services rather than being entirely free.

To cap it off, Christine highlights the necessity of having international travelers’ insurance, a pragmatic requirement considering the nature of a life spent cruising the seas. As viewers engage with her TikTok video, expressing envy and admiration for her unique lifestyle, Christine’s cruise ship journey offers a glimpse into the complexities and nuances of living on board—a life that blends luxury with its own set of rules and considerations.

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