World News

War Plans Leaked, Germany preparing for Russia to start World War 3

Leaked documents from the German Ministry of Defense reveal a chilling anticipation of Russian President Vladimir Putin expanding the war in Ukraine and potentially targeting NATO ally countries in the coming year. ( 📈 North Korea Watchers Warn, Kim Jong Un Has Decided To ‘Go to War’ )

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The classified information obtained by German newspaper BILD discloses that Europe is bracing for a “hybrid” Russian assault in Eastern Europe. ( One ominous scenario, named “Alliance Defense 2025,” envisions Russia mobilizing 200,000 soldiers in February, launching a massive “spring offensive” against Ukraine amid drying Western financial support, and then orchestrating a series of actions, including cyberattacks and military exercises, to escalate tensions in the Baltics. ( ( 🔗 Americans Left Startled as Russian President Putin Alleges What Happened in US 2020 Elections )

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The leaked documents suggest Russia’s strategic moves, including deploying troops to Kaliningrad, could lead to a fabricated narrative of NATO threats, sparking potential conflicts in the Suwalki Gap by December. The alarming plan outlines a timeline of events, pointing to Russia exploiting the post-U.S. ( election transition to rally troops to Belarus and the Baltics by March 2025, triggering a response from NATO and potentially leading to combat between Western and Russian forces.

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Despite repeated denials by Putin and Russian officials, the European allies are taking these potential threats seriously, with Sweden’s military and civil defense leaders emphasizing the need for preparation. The German Defense Ministry acknowledges the consideration of different scenarios as part of military training but refrains from commenting on specific details. The gravity of the situation looms large, urging political maturity and vigilance among the audience, as Europe grapples with the specter of an expanded conflict.

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