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Potential Threat to Americans as Ex-FBI Officials Disclose Who’s Been Sneaking Into U.S

In a letter that echoes a sense of urgency, a coalition of former FBI officials, featuring notable names such as Kevin Brock, Chris Swecker, Timothy Healy, and Mark Morgan, has issued a stark warning about the safety of Americans within their own country. The tone is one of serious concern as they shed light on the influx of military-aged foreign nationals making their way into the United States, primarily through the southern border.

Photo credit: news-us.feednews.com

The retired officials underscore the gravity of the situation, explicitly stating that Americans are in danger due to these individuals entering the country by foot. ( 📺 American Troops Respond to Observing Kim’s Forces Engaging in Invasion Drills ) (news-us.feednews.com) The statistics are striking, with over 302,000 migrant encounters reported in December alone. This follows a record fiscal year that saw a staggering 2.4 million encounters, a fact reported by Fox News Digital on Saturday, January 27.

“In its modern history, the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now,” the retired officials warn. They emphasize that the group of individuals entering includes people from countries considered enemies of the United States. The method of entry, described as a continuous stream on foot across a border advertised as largely unprotected, heightens their apprehension. ( 📺 Mom installs camera before delivery captures what no one was supposed to see )

The concerns raised by former FBI Director Christopher Wray about individuals evading Border Patrol echo in the letter, intensifying the worries of the coalition. ( 📈 Putin’s Unprecedented Crisis: Thousands Freeze to Death as Power Fails – Will This Be His Downfall? ) The release of migrants in large numbers and the revelation of over 800,000 gotaways in the previous fiscal year further amplify their concerns, portraying a picture of a porous border and a looming security crisis.

The letter takes a historical perspective, drawing parallels to Israel’s experiences after the October Hamas attack. It raises caution against the possibility of large numbers of young males within U.S. ( 📰 Doctors Stunned as Baby Defies Odds, Being the First in History to Arrive with Three Identical Body Parts! ) borders launching attacks reminiscent of past tragedies. The specter of foreign terror groups influencing such actions is a chilling possibility the officials feel compelled to address directly.

Beyond the immediate security concerns, the retired officials highlight the geopolitical implications of the situation. They warn that some arrivals at the border hail from terror-linked areas and adversaries like China and Russia. Their assessment goes beyond mere coincidence, suggesting an orchestrated and strategic penetration—a soft invasion with the intent to gain internal access for potential catastrophic damage.

In light of these grave observations, the retired officials are imploring Congress and federal leaders to recognize the gravity of the situation. They are calling for decisive action, emphasizing that the nation is currently experiencing an invasion, and the threat will persist as long as enemies perceive it to be tolerated. This urgent plea adds to the growing debate about border security, urging a comprehensive and swift response to what these former FBI officials consider an ongoing and perilous situation.

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