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Ocasio-Cortez Scandal Erupts —$140,000 Payment Rocks Capitol Hill

Amidst the political turmoil, former aide to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Corbin Trent, finds himself entangled in accusations of diverting nearly $140,000 from the No Excuses PAC, an organization he established after parting ways with Ocasio-Cortez in 2019. Initially formed in 2021 with the objective of eliminating the Senate filibuster by targeting Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, recent revelations paint a different picture. Federal Election Commission filings expose Trent allegedly paying himself significantly more for consulting services than the PAC spent on its intended mission – a mere $14,831 on radio ads between February 2021 and September 2023. ( 📰 Former Aide of Ocasio-Cortez Unveiled in Scandal Unfoldment )

Photo credit: news-us.feednews.com

While Trent has yet to respond to these damning accusations, he attributes the substantial income to television appearances, purportedly aligned with the PAC’s goals. (news-us.feednews.com) However, scrutiny intensifies as reports suggest consistent payments even when Trent remained absent from television screens. This controversy compounds Trent’s political history, having previously founded Justice Democrats, a group instrumental in the election of Ocasio-Cortez. Notably, the No Excuses PAC has shifted its focus from filibuster removal to urging President Joe Biden not to seek re-election, soliciting donations for this cause.

The storm surrounding Trent deepens, extending beyond financial irregularities. In January 2022, he garnered attention for openly criticizing President Biden, branding him as “deeply unpopular” and questioning his effectiveness. Trent’s skepticism about Biden’s chances in the midterms reflects a broader discontent among far-left activists, including Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, who fault the administration’s perceived compromises, particularly on issues like climate change. ( 📈 Police Bodycam Captures Disturbing Moments Leading to the Death of Emaciated Man Discharged by Doctors ) Within the Democratic Party’s far-left faction, Biden’s concessions are seen as betrayals, fueling speculation about a left-wing challenge in the 2024 nomination. ( 🔗 Trump Bank Fraud Trial Takes A Stunning Turn After Threat Targets On Engoron Home )

Republican pollster Lee Carter underscores the mounting disappointment among influential figures like Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders, indicating a potential push for more concessions from President Biden. While a left-wing challenge for the 2024 nomination remains uncertain, Carter emphasizes the delicate position President Biden occupies in navigating the demands of the far-left within the party. As criticism of Biden escalates from the progressive wing, the financial controversy involving Corbin Trent and the No Excuses PAC adds a layer of complexity to an already tumultuous political landscape. These allegations underscore the challenges faced by political figures associated with Ocasio-Cortez and the broader progressive movement within the Democratic Party as they grapple with internal disagreements and strive to influence the party’s trajectory.

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