Political News

Joe Scarborough Under Scrutiny for Misinformation Amid Significant Fact-check Regarding Jan. 6 Incident

Joe Scarborough is thrust back into the spotlight as a major fact-check scrutinizes his recent statements about the events of January 6, revealing potential inaccuracies. (news-us.feednews.com)
Despite Scarborough’s claim on Morning Joe that four policemen lost their lives that day, a closer examination unravels a more complex truth, bringing to light the tragic fates of Kevin Greeson, Benjamin Phillips, and Rosanne Boyland—three Trump supporters who met untimely deaths amid the Capitol riot aftermath. ( 📈 Alert! Don’t let your kids eat hot dogs! Here is the reason why )
Joe Hoft’s new report on January 20, 2024, sheds light on Scarborough’s controversial assertion, emphasizing the need to revisit and scrutinize the narrative surrounding that fateful day.

Photo credit: news-us.feednews.com

The casualties extended beyond law enforcement, challenging Scarborough’s assertion about the number of police deaths. The Steal – Volume III: The Cover-Up, a book delving into the events of January 6, reveals the circumstances surrounding these fatalities.
As Trump supporters gathered at the Capitol, a sudden barrage of rubber bullets, flash grenades, and smoke bombs from the Capitol Police, or individuals dressed as such, created chaos. Greeson and Phillips, peacefully standing in the crowd, succumbed to heart attacks induced by exploding flash grenades.

Rosanne Boyland, a recovering addict and drug counselor, faced a particularly tragic fate. Trapped between the Capitol Police and fellow Trump supporters on the Capitol steps, she and the crowd were forcefully pushed and confined under a ceiling-high pile.
The situation escalated with the liberal use of pepper spray and tear gas by the police, leading to a perilous struggle for survival lasting around ten minutes. Despite attempts by protesters to aid those trapped, the police thwarted their efforts and even attacked those attempting to render assistance. ( 📺 Dad became so frustrated with his baby’s crying that he grabbed the 1-year-old and shook her violently; his wife told police they decided not to seek medical attention, as the baby slowly died, because first responders would ask too many questions and their baby was dead anyways; charged ) Following the ordeal, Boyland lay motionless on the steps, unable to receive prompt medical attention.

The narrative takes a darker turn with allegations of Police Officer Lila Morris subjecting Boyland to a brutal beating, wielding a stick. The severity of the assault reportedly led Morris to lose her weapon during the relentless onslaught. These distressing accounts underscore the complex and tragic nature of the events on January 6, challenging the prevailing narrative that only police officers suffered casualties that day. The deaths of Greeson, Phillips, and Boyland highlight the human toll of the Capitol riot and the ensuing clashes, leaving their families and the wider community grappling with the aftermath.

In revisiting this painful chapter in American history, it is crucial to recognize the diverse range of individuals who lost their lives on that fateful day. The narrative surrounding January 6 continues to be a source of contention, emphasizing the importance of nuanced discussions that acknowledge the various perspectives and experiences of those affected. ( 📰 Lawyer Who Ditched Donald Trump Finally Breaks Silence, Reveals The Reason Behind His Move ) As the emotionally charged discussion unfolds, it prompts a reflection on the need for a comprehensive understanding of the events, ensuring a more inclusive and empathetic approach to the complexities of that historic day.

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