Political News

Hillary Clinton Exposed the “Delinquent” Millionaires Who Are Ruining America

Hillary Clinton, the former presidential candidate, Secretary of State, and First Lady, has added her voice to the chorus commending the IRS for successfully collecting over $550 million in back taxes from delinquent millionaires. Drawing attention to a MarketWatch article titled ‘IRS Collects More Than $550 Million In Back Taxes From Delinquent Millionaires,’ Clinton expressed satisfaction with the outcome and stressed the importance of everyone contributing their fair share. In a tweet, she highlighted, “The IRS has collected half a billion dollars from millionaires who owed back taxes. It’s good news for those of us who want to see everyone pay their fair share!” Clinton’s support echoes the call for equitable taxation and increased scrutiny on those with tax delinquencies.

This accomplishment unfolds against the backdrop of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, authorizing $80 billion over a decade to the IRS. The funding is geared towards strengthening enforcement on businesses and affluent tax delinquents. IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel acknowledged the immediate impact of heightened scrutiny, setting the stage for the upcoming income-tax-filing season starting on January 29. However, uncertainties arise regarding IRS funding and potential implications of a government shutdown if bipartisan agreement on spending isn’t reached by February 2. ( 🔗 Republican Turns Against Trump as she Warns of Dire Threat From Him )

The stakes are high, and the fate of IRS funding could significantly influence its ongoing enforcement efforts. Clinton’s advocacy for robust IRS enforcement aligns with her history of promoting fair taxation. According to Time, Clinton has consistently maintained a federal tax rate above 40% since 2013, reinforcing her commitment to transparency and accountability. ( 📺 Carroll’s Lawyer Exposes Trump’s Lies and Deceptions in Court ) ( 🔗 Angry Trump Slams Table in Courtroom as He Refers to Judge a Nasty Guy ) The disclosure of Clinton’s tax information stands in stark contrast to her 2016 GOP opponent, Donald Trump, who did not release his tax returns during the presidential campaign, sparking debates on transparency and financial disclosure in American politics.

As the IRS continues addressing tax delinquencies among high-income individuals, the intricate intersection of politics, taxation policies, and government funding takes center stage. (news-us.feednews.com) Clinton’s stance contributes to the ongoing dialogue about the role of the IRS in ensuring financial responsibility and fairness in the tax system. The journey ahead, especially amidst political uncertainties and funding debates, underscores the critical importance of an effective and well-supported IRS.

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