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Cat Rescued from Days of Neglect on Dirt Patch Just Before Thanksgiving, Now Melting into the Hearts of His Rescuers

Just days before Thanksgiving, a distressed call and photos of a cat lying alone on a patch of dirt reached Little Wanderers NYC, sparking an urgent rescue mission. The orange tabby had been neglected, spending over a week in a vulnerable state unnoticed by passersby. ( 📈 Perils of Combining Alcohol with Coca Cola: A Serious Warning ) (instagram.com) Nora, a dedicated volunteer, received the plea and embarked on a quest to locate the feline with no specific address provided. Armed with determination, she identified buildings from the photos and inquired about the cat in the neighborhood. Eventually, her persistence paid off as she spotted the orange tabby, affectionately named Dreidel, hobbling down the sidewalk. Dreidel, gentle and frail, drew closer to Nora and the promise of food. Nora described Dreidel’s condition upon rescue, highlighting scabbed ears, a pale nose, and a distended belly alongside his endearing affection. ( 🔗 CDC Traces Outbreak of Multiple Cases of Transmitted Eye Syphilis to One Man ) (lovemeow.com)

Photo credit: He was found lying on a patch of dirt

Transported to the vet’s office, Dreidel’s senior status, few remaining teeth, and a heart condition requiring medication were revealed. Once discharged, he found solace with Nora, who had prepared a warm and cozy haven for him. Dreidel’s enthusiasm for food and favorite treats became evident, and he relished the care provided by Nora. Despite his challenging past, Dreidel exhibited unparalleled friendliness, enjoying tushy scritches and melting into affectionate pets. With newfound strength, he explored Nora’s bedroom, savoring the joys of Thanksgiving and indulging in feasting and snoozing. (facebook.com) In the quiet hours past midnight, Dreidel sought a comforting snuggle, embodying a born bed buddy and pillow pal. Nora reflected on Dreidel’s enduring affection in the face of neglect and indifference, describing him as a precious gift and pure soul deserving of a loving family. ( 🔗 Transgender Men’s Tampon Triggers Conservative Criticism ) Share Dreidel’s heartwarming journey with friends and discover more about him and Little Wanderers NYC on Instagram and Facebook.

Photo credit: lovemeow.com
Photo credit: lovemeow.com
Photo credit: Dreidel was very affectionate at the vet’s office
Photo credit: lovemeow.com
Photo credit: lovemeow.com
Photo credit: lovemeow.com
Photo credit: Dreidel is overjoyed to have a warm bed and someone to love on him
Photo credit: LittleWanderersNYC

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