Healthy Lifestyle

Report: Nearly 120,000 young adults, children died from COVID shots

A shocking new report has unearthed a hidden document from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), revealing a disturbing revelation: nearly 120,000 children and young adults have lost their lives due to the perilous side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. This startling revelation encompasses over 78,000 excess deaths within this age group in the year 2021, post the vaccine’s availability, and a further 39,000+ deaths in the subsequent year of 2022. The report by Expose-News has sent shockwaves, asserting that despite the gravity of this disclosure, it has been met with a resounding silence, potentially concealed under the rug of public discourse. ( 📰 Tim Scott Says There’re Two Standards In US’ Institutions Of Power: “One For The Elite & One For Us” )

The report digs deep into the data, exposing a disconcerting pattern. With an astonishing death toll, it questions why this revelation has not ignited the outrage it warrants. ( The lack of up-to-date and comprehensive data from the U.S. ( 🔗 Vice President Kamala Harris Raises Concerns, Accuses GOP Of Making Voting More Difficult ) government has sparked concerns about the true consequences of rolling out the COVID-19 injections. ( 📈 Prince Harry’s Fans Say He Looks ‘So Much Happier’ Without Meghan Markle In A TikTok Video Of Him Arriving In Tokyo Alone ) This report shines a light on data provided by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC), revealing an unexpected link between the vaccine rollout and a rise in deaths among young people.

Contrary to expectations, the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine did not lead to a reduction in excess deaths among children and young adults. ( 📺 “They Have Reached a New Low” Americans On Disturbing Shift in Republican Party Strategy ) Rather, there was a concerning increase in the number of excess deaths, persisting throughout 2021, with rare exceptions. The report draws attention to the stark contrast between official narratives and the alarming reality, demanding an explanation for the elevated death toll despite the vaccine’s presumed safety and effectiveness. (

The concerns raised by this report transcend borders. Similar unsettling trends were observed in the United Kingdom, further deepening the suspicions around the vaccine’s effects. As the year 2022 progressed, partially and fully vaccinated individuals aged 18 to 39 demonstrated higher mortality rates compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. The report underscores the consequences of the booster campaign, revealing a worsening mortality rate among triple-vaccinated individuals within this age group. This ominous pattern prompts further inquiry into the safety and long-term implications of COVID-19 vaccinations.

The report’s revelations ignite a series of questions that demand answers. How can the surge in deaths among young people be reconciled with the claims of vaccine safety and efficacy? What implications does this hold for public health policies and the future of vaccination strategies? The juxtaposition of official narratives against the reality on the ground raises concerns about transparency, accountability, and the potential consequences of suppressing critical information.

In light of these shocking revelations, we invite you to share your insights. How do you react to the discrepancy between the vaccine’s promise and the reported deaths among young individuals? What do you believe should be the immediate course of action to address these concerns? Join the conversation and lend your voice to a critical discourse that navigates the complex terrain of public health, vaccine safety, and the preservation of young lives.

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