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China discovers ‘hidden structures’ deep beneath the dark side of the moon

Billions of years of history have remained shrouded beneath the moon’s enigmatic surface, an untold story waiting to be unraveled. ( 🔗 Ohio Teenager Sentenced To 15 Years To Life After Deliberately Killing Boyfriend ) Our constant celestial companion, the moon, has captivated human imagination for eons, and now, propelled by China’s ambitious space program, we’re on the cusp of unearthing its hidden secrets. In a pioneering leap in the realm of space exploration, China’s Chang’e-4 lander, part of the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA), etched its name in history by becoming the first spacecraft to touch down on the far side, the moon’s mysterious “dark side.”

Photo credit: Chang’e 4 Lander and Rover on the moon

The lunar landscape, with its scars and craters, has long sparked curiosity, and the Chang’e-4 lander has become a beacon of hope, shedding light on the topography that has long eluded us. This lunar journey commenced in 2018, and since then, Chang’e-4 has been capturing awe-inspiring images of impact craters while unearthing precious mineral samples. ( ( The culmination of these tireless efforts is a mosaic of insights into the top 1,000 feet of the moon’s enigmatic surface, painting a vivid portrait of its history and evolution.

Photo credit: The Daedalus crater on the far side of the moon as seen from the Apollo 11 spacecraft

A moment of revelation came earlier this month, when the fruits of Chang’e-4’s labor were unveiled to the world, beckoning us to journey into the depths of the moon’s past. ( 📰 Teacher Ignores Law to Indoctrinate Kids with LGBT Book, Gets Brutal Notice from State’s Board of Education ) In a landmark publication in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, the findings have been documented, presenting a stunning tapestry of geological layers that tell tales of eons past. These revelations offer a glimpse into the tapestry of lunar evolution, a symphony of dust, soil, and shattered rocks that have silently witnessed the passage of time.

Intriguingly, within this intricate tapestry lies a hidden secret—a crater, a cosmic scar etched upon the moon’s surface by a celestial collision of titanic proportions. Jianqing Feng, an astrogeological researcher at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, and a visionary behind the analysis, explains how this crater serves as a time capsule, a relic of an ancient cosmic dance that reshaped the moon’s destiny.

As layers of history are gently peeled back, another chapter of the moon’s past comes into focus. Beneath this crater, an intricate dance of five distinct layers of lunar lava emerges—a testament to volcanic activity that once roamed across the lunar landscape eons ago. It’s a tale that stretches back to a time when our moon was born, 4.51 billion years ago, arising from the chaos of a colossal collision between Earth and a Mars-sized object. This cosmic ballet set the stage for the moon’s journey through time, as it became a canvas for cosmic collisions and volcanic eruptions.

Yet, beneath the surface, the moon’s fiery heart began to fade. ( 📈 Woman calls the police after coming home to find her sister breastfeeding her son ) Millennia of volcanic activity culminated in a gradual cooling, an energy slowly dwindling, leaving the moon in a twilight phase of its geological evolution. Jianqing Feng paints a vivid picture of this process, explaining, “[The moon] was slowly cooling down and running out of steam in its later volcanic stage. Its energy became weak over time.” As the ancient fires dimmed, the moon transformed, becoming a relic of its volcanic past, a “geologically dead” realm. ( ( 📈 Lucy Letby may face life in jail when she is sentenced for murdering seven babies )

However, amidst the whispers of this quieting lunar symphony, a hint of intrigue lingers. Deep within the moon’s embrace, scientists speculate that remnants of volcanic potential might still slumber. The layers of history, painted in dust and lava, contain mysteries that defy easy answers, beckoning us to embark on further exploration, to venture into the heart of our cosmic neighbor. (

The saga of Chang’e-4 is far from over; it marks a prelude to a journey that promises even greater revelations. The moon, our eternal companion, has been a guardian of time’s secrets, and as China’s mission continues, the dream of mapping the moon’s geology inch by inch becomes more tangible. As we peer into the pages of history and decode the tales etched upon the moon’s surface, we stand at the precipice of understanding, poised to embrace the celestial symphony that has played out silently above us for countless ages.

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