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The Young victim of Texas Walmart massacre tells shooter, ‘I want you dead’

In a powerful display of courage and resilience, survivors of the tragic 2019 Walmart massacre in Texas confronted the white nationalist shooter directly during a sentencing hearing. Each witness, wounded survivor, and relative of the deceased were given the opportunity to deliver impact statements, ensuring their voices were heard in the courtroom.

The shooter, Patrick Crusius, 24, who openly admitted to targeting Hispanics, will also be given the chance to address the court. Having pleaded guilty to multiple charges, including hate crimes resulting in death, he entered into a plea agreement to avoid the federal death penalty by accepting 90 consecutive life sentences. However, the state of Texas may still pursue prosecution that could potentially result in the death penalty.

As the courtroom filled with onlookers, gasps and cries could be heard when Crusius entered, evoking the deep emotions surrounding this devastating event. Dressed in a blue prison jumpsuit, sporting glasses and unkempt long hair, the shooter displayed no visible emotion, purposefully avoiding eye contact with victims and reporters present.

Victims’ statements reflected a range of emotions, from a desire for retribution to the contemplation of divine forgiveness for the killer. Genesis Davila, who witnessed her soccer coach being killed and her parents being injured when she was just 12 years old, locked eyes with Crusius and boldly stated, “I want you dead,” expressing her profound hatred towards him. Others referred to him as an “evil parasite,” highlighting the deep impact his actions had on their lives.

Thomas Hoffman, who tragically lost his father in the massacre, condemned the shooter, emphasizing that he was nothing without his weapon. In a remarkable act of compassion, Raul Moya, the brother of a victim, expressed his struggle to forgive the shooter, hoping that God would ultimately grant forgiveness.

The events leading up to the massacre, including the shooter’s online manifesto declaring a response to the perceived “Hispanic invasion of Texas,” further underscored the motives behind this heinous act. Joe Spencer, Crusius’s attorney, refrained from commenting until after the sentencing. Following the guilty plea earlier this year, Spencer acknowledged that there are no winners in this case, emphasizing that his client would serve 90 consecutive life sentences.

The sentencing hearing, presided over by U.S. District Judge David Guaderrama, is expected to continue for several days as the court ensures that every impacted individual has an opportunity to speak. It is a solemn reminder of the profound loss and enduring pain inflicted by this tragic event.

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