Royal News

Meghan Markle’s ‘Reputation for Telling Untruths’ Cost Her to Lose ‘All Credibility’: Royal Insider Claims

Angela Levin, a well-known royal insider and author of books such as “Harry: Conversations With a Prince” and “Camilla: From Outcast to Queen Consort,” has expressed doubts about Meghan Markle’s credibility and the potential success of a memoir penned by the Duchess of Sussex. In a recent interview, Levin shared her thoughts on whether Meghan will follow in Prince Harry’s footsteps and release a memoir, shedding light on royal family secrets and offering her version of the events that led to their departure from senior royal roles in 2020.

Levin, known for her insightful analysis, believes that Meghan Markle may have a long-term plan that includes a memoir, but she questions the viability of the former Suits star effectively conveying her story in a believable manner. According to Levin, Meghan’s reputation for telling untruths and exaggerating significantly has cost her all credibility, making it challenging for people to trust her narrative. “People won’t believe it because she has a reputation for telling untruths or exaggerating hugely, so it doesn’t make any sense,” Levin stated.

Regarding Meghan’s future reputation, Levin does not foresee any improvement. In fact, she believes it will worsen as more people perceive her as lacking talent and integrity. Levin suggests that any further truth-telling by the Duchess of Sussex will face intensified scrutiny and skepticism, both in the United Kingdom and abroad. The prospect of a memoir may attract initial interest, leading to high sales, but overall, Levin predicts it will be a “disaster.”

Photo: Showbiz CheatSheet

Levin raises an important question: How many times can Meghan Markle and Prince Harry revisit the same narrative against the royal family in the media? With their account of events widely known, it remains unclear what new information could be included in a potential memoir. Levin wonders how many times the couple can continue their verbal attacks on the royal family, noting that during recent high-profile royal events such as King Charles’s birthday celebration Trooping the Color and the coronation, Harry was largely ignored, highlighting a growing disconnect between the couple and the monarchy.

Since joining the royal family in 2016, Meghan Markle has played a significant role in Prince Harry’s life. Following their departure from senior royal roles, the couple openly shared their experiences of racism, mistreatment, and mental health struggles within the royal family in interviews with Oprah Winfrey, The Cut, and the Netflix docuseries “Harry & Meghan.” With their story already extensively covered, it remains unclear what new revelations Meghan could offer in a potential memoir. However, it is important to note that there has been no official confirmation from the Sussexes regarding any upcoming literary endeavors.

While speculation about Meghan’s future plans continues, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are preparing to release “Heart of Invictus” on Netflix, a special that follows service members preparing to compete in the Invictus Games. Rumors have also circulated about the couple’s involvement in a TV series titled “Bad Manners,” where they aim to reinvent the character of Miss Havisham from “Great Expectations” for the streaming service.

As Meghan and Harry navigate their post-royal lives, the possibility of a memoir and their ongoing media ventures will undoubtedly be met with curiosity and varying opinions. Only time will reveal the extent of their future endeavors and the impact they may have on their public image.

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