Healthy Lifestyle

Heartbroken Parents Rush to Hospital as 6-Year-Old Son Takes His Last Breath. What They Discover at Home Leaves Them Speechless!

In a heartbreaking tragedy, Leland Shoemake, a wise and amazing child, passed away on September 25, 2015, after contracting meningitis from a deadly ameba called Balamuthia mandrillaris. Leland’s parents, Amber and Tim, discovered a note he had left for them after his death, which moved them to tears. The note, found in the living room, revealed Leland’s love and gratitude for his parents. ( 🔗 Deadly fungus in dogs’ ears could infect humans: ‘We need to be vigilant’ ) It serves as a poignant reminder of the devastating impact of the rare and often fatal Balamuthia infection. ( 📰 Mom throws out son on his 18th birthday, leaving him with nowhere to go: his eyes show great suffering. )

Photo credit: Image Credit: The Leland Shoemake Foundation / Facebook

Leland had a habit of leaving sweet notes for his parents, but this particular one stood out. As Amber and Tim read their son’s heartfelt words, they held onto each other and wept. The Balamuthia infection, as stated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is a rare condition that can be fatal. The amebas responsible for the infection reside in soil, making activities like playing in dirt or gardening potential sources of exposure. No one is immune to these amebas, and any open wound can serve as a pathway for infection.

Photo credit: Image Credit: The Leland Shoemake Foundation / Facebook

Symptoms of Balamuthia infection include nausea, vomiting, headaches, difficulty walking, and talking. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is often made shortly before the patient’s death, making effective treatment challenging. ( 📰 Man Says America Is the “Only Country in the Civilized World That Thinks Life Should Be Hard” ) ( 📄 ‘A friend to so many of us’: Beloved and celebrated surgeon allegedly killed by patient who had been at his clinic for ‘several hours’ before shooting him at least 3 times ) The correct combination of drugs to treat the infection is difficult to determine in such cases, putting medical professionals at a disadvantage. (

Photo credit: Image Credit: The Leland Shoemake Foundation / Facebook

In response to this tragic event, the Leland Shoemake Foundation was established to raise awareness about the dangers of the deadly Balamuthia ameba. ( 📈 Scientists find all blue eyed people may have descended from one common ancestor ) ( 🔗 Dad of 2 refuses to give his Family Pet away to accommodate Divorced Friend with dog allergy ) It is crucial to spread the word and educate others about this life-threatening infection to prevent further tragedies from occurring. Let us come together to honor Leland’s memory and help protect other children and families from experiencing the same devastating loss.

Photo credit: Image Credit: The Leland Shoemake Foundation / Facebook

Have you ever encountered the Balamuthia infection or known someone affected by it? What steps do you think should be taken to increase awareness and prevent such infections? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. ( 📄 Engineer Explains Leaked Titan Sub Transcript, Revealing The Last 19 Minutes of Panic ) As a politically mature audience, your insights and suggestions are valuable in creating a safer environment for all.

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