Healthy Lifestyle

A mother warns all parents after her son almost lost his sight because of a bath toy

For most children, bath time is a joyful experience filled with splashing water and playful toys. However, one mother’s terrifying ordeal serves as a stark reminder that seemingly harmless bath toys can pose a grave danger to our little ones. Eden Strong, a concerned parent, shares her harrowing story after her two-year-old son narrowly escaped a life-altering eye injury, urging parents to take precautions.

It all began innocently enough when Eden was giving her son a bath. As she noticed some irritation in his eye, she initially dismissed it as water entering his eye during play. However, her concern grew when the condition of his eye worsened after the bath.

To her horror, her son developed severe subcutaneous tissue inflammation, causing his eye to turn pink and become inflamed within a mere 12 hours. In her emotionally charged Facebook post that quickly went viral, Eden described the distressing scene: “His eye protruded from his face. He was very fussy. He had a very high fever.” The panic-stricken mother recounts her tearful journey to the hospital, praying fervently that her son’s precious sight would be spared.

The following week was a terrifying ordeal for the family. The severe inflammation spread across their little one’s face, affecting both eyes. Doctors warned Eden that her son could potentially lose vision in the more severely affected eye. However, by the grace of God, both eyes eventually recovered, sparing him from permanent damage.

Eden later discovered the insidious culprit behind her son’s ordeal—bacteria lurking within the bath toys. She revealed, “I later discovered that because not all of the water coming out of these toys, bacteria can develop, and it cannot be prevented.” Motivated by a desire to protect other children, she courageously shared photos of her son’s injury on Facebook, cautioning fellow parents about the hidden dangers of such toys. Her post quickly gained traction, amassing over 190,000 shares, and other parents reached out to share similar accounts of injuries their children had endured.

With heartfelt hope, Eden appeals to toy manufacturers, urging them to take this matter to heart and prioritize the safety of children when designing bath toys. Reflecting on her experience, she made the difficult decision to discard all of her son’s pressed-on toys, acknowledging that while they may be cute, fun, and affordable, the potential risks far outweigh the enjoyment they bring.

The journey this family has endured is a testament to their resilience, and we are relieved to report that little Baylor has made a full recovery. The ordeal serves as a stark reminder to all parents to remain vigilant and cautious, even in the seemingly mundane aspects of daily life. By raising awareness and taking appropriate measures to mitigate potential risks, we can ensure our children’s safety and well-being.

Let Eden’s story be a clarion call for parents everywhere to examine the toys we provide our children and assess any potential hazards they may pose. Through collective action and a commitment to prioritize safety, we can create an environment where our little ones can thrive without unnecessary risks.

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