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A Guy Says He Had a Heart Attack and Went to Hell in 2016. Here’s What He Saw

Prepare to be shaken to your core as a Michigan-based priest, Gerald Johnson, bravely opens up about his harrowing near-death experience (NDE) that took him to a place he never thought he would witness: hell.

In a viral TikTok video, Johnson recounts the chilling details of his traumatic NDE, a far cry from the idyllic tales often associated with glimpses of the afterlife. “I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy,” he reveals, his voice trembling. “No matter what someone did to me, nobody deserves that.”

According to Johnson, immediately after suffering a heart attack in February 2016, his spirit departed from his physical body and descended into the depths of hell, entering through the very core of the Earth. Although he struggles to put the experience into words, he musters the courage to share what he saw.

Johnson describes encountering a man, crawling on all fours like a beast, engulfed in flames from head to toe.

“His eyes were bulging, and to make matters worse, he wore chains around his neck. He resembled a tormented hellhound, with a demon ruthlessly gripping the chains,”

He reveals, the memory etched vividly in his mind.

In this infernal realm, Johnson was subjected to haunting melodies that pierced the soul. The hauntingly familiar tunes of Rihanna’s “Umbrella” and Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” echoed through the darkness, but they were twisted, sung by demons whose sole purpose was to inflict agony upon the damned.

Johnson’s descent into this nightmarish NDE forced him to confront a profound realization: the need to forgive those who had wronged him instead of harboring hope for their punishment. This revelation emerged from the depths of his terrifying journey, altering the very fabric of his being.

While Johnson’s account may seem incredible, scientists acknowledge that, alongside the uplifting stories often shared, negative NDEs are a documented phenomenon. The exact mechanisms behind these experiences remain a mystery, yet experts from the International Association for Near-Death Studies propose that NDEs are likely triggered by alterations in blood flow to the brain during life-threatening events such as heart attacks, traumatic injuries, or shock. As the brain loses its supply of oxygen and blood, its electrical activity gradually diminishes. Comparable to a town experiencing a power outage, different regions of the brain shut down successively.

During an NDE, the mind continues to operate, albeit under atypical conditions. Whether attributed to oxygen deprivation, anesthetic effects, or neurochemical responses to trauma, the NDE imprints a lasting and sometimes traumatic memory. While the origins of these memories remain enigmatic, they have the potential to profoundly transform the lives of those who experience them, even if they choose never to revisit or recount the ordeal.

Prepare yourself for a chilling journey into the realm of the beyond as Gerald Johnson’s account reminds us of the dark and inexplicable facets of the afterlife.

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