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Ukraine Blows Up Bridge Linking Crimea, Deals Major Blow to Russian Supply Route

The Ukrainian military has struck a major blow to Russian supply routes in southern Ukraine, cutting off access to one of the few bridges linking the Crimean Peninsula to the mainland. The Chonhar bridge was hit by Ukrainian missiles, leaving craters blasted through the asphalt and severely damaging the main supply route for Russian occupation forces. (latimes.com)

Image credits: Reuters

The damage to the bridge is a major psychological win for the Ukrainians, who are currently pushing to drive the Russians out of Ukraine. The bridge is one of just a handful of access roads to Crimea, which is linked to the Ukrainian mainland by a narrow isthmus. (apnews.com) Alternative routes require hours-long detours over roads in poor condition.

Image credits: YAHOO!

The strike has dealt a significant blow to the logistics of the Russian occupiers and has disrupted Moscow’s defense of occupied territory in the south. (latimes.com) The attack was carried out by newly deployed weapons such as British and French air-launched cruise missiles, which allowed Kyiv to hit logistics routes that Russia had deemed safe just weeks ago. (latimes.com)

Image credits: The Associated Press

Vladimir Saldo, the Moscow-appointed head of the occupied parts of Kherson province, released a video of himself on the Chonhar road bridge, where he vowed to repair the bridge and restore traffic. “Another meaningless act perpetrated by the Kyiv regime on orders from London. (latimes.com) It solves nothing as far as the special military operation is concerned,” he said, threatening to retaliate by targeting a bridge linking neighboring Moldova to NATO-member Romania.

Image credits: Los Angeles Times

The strike has caused significant damage to the Russian supply line, which is a major win for the Ukrainian military. (latimes.com) However, Russia has denied the allegations and blamed the West for supplying Ukraine with advanced weapons like the Storm Shadow missiles. The Crimean peninsula is connected to mainland Ukraine by a narrow isthmus about six miles wide and several bridges.

The bridge’s destruction is a significant setback for Russia, as it will take several weeks to repair the damage. The strike is a major win for Ukraine, which is in the early stages of its most ambitious counteroffensive of the war. While the Ukrainian military has recaptured eight villages so far, it has yet to commit the bulk of its forces to the fight, and its advancing troops have yet to reach the main Russian defensive lines.

In conclusion, this strike is a major win for Ukraine, which is pushing to drive the Russians out of the country. While the destruction of the bridge is a significant setback for Russia, it is also a major psychological win for the Ukrainians. (latimes.com) (latimes.com) The strike has disrupted Moscow’s defense of occupied territory in the south and has dealt a significant blow to the logistics of the Russian occupiers. (latimes.com) (latimes.com) (latimes.com) The destruction of the bridge is a major win for Ukraine, and it will significantly impact the ongoing conflict between the two nations.


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