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Negligence, staff failures led to Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide, a DOJ report says

In a heartbreaking revelation, a new report by the U.S. (npr.org) Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General exposes the deep-seated negligence, misconduct, and job performance failures that played a role in the suicide of infamous financier Jeffrey Epstein while in jail in 2019. The report highlights systemic issues within the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and sheds light on the specific problems at New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Center, the facility where Epstein was held at the time of his death.

Staffing shortages, inadequate protocols for managing at-risk inmates, malfunctioning security cameras, and a pervasive disregard for BOP policies and procedures were all contributing factors in the Epstein case, the report reveals. These issues extend beyond this particular incident and continue to plague correctional facilities nationwide.

Epstein, who was facing sex trafficking charges, took his own life while in the custody of the BOP, effectively avoiding trial. The OIG’s report underscores the persistent operational challenges faced by the BOP, hindering its ability to maintain safe and secure institutions. Similar reviews conducted by the OIG in the past have consistently highlighted these challenges, signaling a need for urgent reforms. (npr.org)

Inspector General Michael Horowitz explicitly addressed the far-right conspiracy theories that emerged following Epstein’s death, affirming that while there were failures at various levels and indications of preferential treatment, the investigation concluded that his death was indeed a suicide. Horowitz stressed that the FBI’s determination of no criminality surrounding Epstein’s demise remains uncontradicted.

The report unveils several breaches of MCC and BOP policies and procedures in Epstein’s case. Shockingly, he was allowed to sleep on the floor, provided with extra blankets and clothes, and photographs included in the report depict piles of orange clothes strewn about his cell. Furthermore, Epstein was permitted to use an unmonitored jail phone the night before his death, a violation of BOP policy. Despite a previous suicide attempt, he was not assigned a new cellmate as required.

Epstein should have been closely monitored, yet two correctional officers, Michael Thomas and Tova Noel, assigned to guard him overnight failed to carry out more than 75 mandatory checks. He was left unattended in his cell, and his lifeless body was only discovered at 6:30 a.m. on August 10. The two officers faced charges for neglecting their duties and fabricating records to cover up their negligence, although prosecution was ultimately deferred. (npr.org) (oig.justice.gov)

Additionally, the report identifies two other BOP employees, unnamed in the document, who were referred for criminal charges for falsely certifying inmate counts and rounds on the day before and after Epstein’s death. Prosecution against these staffers was ultimately declined.

Epstein’s tragic suicide exposed a multitude of issues within the Metropolitan Correctional Center, ultimately leading to the decision to close the facility in 2021. This alarming incident serves as a stark reminder of the dire need for reform within the BOP to ensure the safety and security of inmates, as well as to address the systemic flaws that allowed Epstein’s death to occur.

As the nation grapples with the revelations of this report, it becomes imperative to hold accountable those responsible for the failures that enabled this tragedy. The pursuit of justice must include a thorough examination of the institutional shortcomings that perpetuate a system unable to safeguard the lives of those entrusted to it. The fate of Jeffrey Epstein serves as a chilling reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive reforms within the criminal justice system to prevent such heartbreaking incidents from occurring in the future. (wdiy.org)

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