Royal News

How Meghan Could Have Been a Valuable Asset, but Poor Handling by Palace Supremos Led to Missed Opportunities

In a candid revelation, the journalist who first reported on Meghan’s bullying allegations expresses his belief that she could have been a valuable asset to the Royal Family if handled differently by the Palace leaders. Valentine Low, The Times Royal Correspondent, acknowledges the intricacies of the Harry and Meghan saga, recognizing a sense of victimhood within the Duchess of Sussex and fault on both sides.

According to Low, Meghan had the potential to challenge the system and introduce a touch of revolution, but he concludes that she was not inclined to take on such a role. “It’s pretty evident from Spare that long before Harry met her, there was frustration and questioning about whether he wanted to be a member of the Royal family. You can’t blame everything on Meghan, but I think she also had a sense of victimhood and possibly entitlement, and the two of them fed off each other.”

Acknowledging fault on both sides, Low notes the couple’s strong belief that they were not being heard, coupled with the Palace’s fundamental inability to effectively handle the situation. He acknowledges that there were instances of misbehavior from Harry and Meghan, but ultimately, the Palace mishandled the matter. While Low questions Meghan’s narrative about seeking help and being refused, he recognizes the obvious unhappiness present a year prior to Megxit, which the Palace failed to address as a significant issue.

Low attributes strategic failures to Prince Charles and The Queen’s private secretaries during the Megxit negotiations. However, he wonders whether a compromise that The Queen would have accepted was ever within reach. “They were too far apart.”

Regarding their departure from the Royal Family, Low does not view it as a disaster but laments the damaging manner in which it unfolded. He believes that a more conciliatory approach could have resolved the situation without all the animosity.

As a Royal Correspondent, Low describes his role as both fascinating and frustrating. He highlights the lack of direct communication from the individuals he writes about, unlike the leaks and briefings often encountered in politics. The private secretaries closest to the Royal Family rarely provide insights, leading to occasional exasperation. However, when he does obtain exclusive information, the satisfaction is even greater.

Low reflects on the bullying accusations against Meghan, revealing that the key events occurred two and a half years before his story broke. It was only the impending Oprah interview by Harry and Meghan that brought these allegations to light. He finds it fascinating that many people were aware of the accusations, yet no one divulged the information. Low suggests that had it involved a private secretary accused of bullying, the Palace would have known how to handle it. However, dealing with a member of the Royal Family presented an unfamiliar challenge, resulting in the allegations remaining buried for years.

In his captivating and extensively researched book, “Courtiers: The Power Behind The Crown,” Low delves into the workings of a constitutional monarchy and explores what Princess Diana referred to as ‘the men in grey suits.’ He sheds light on the intricate dynamics of the so-called ‘Golden Triangle’ between Number 10, the Cabinet Office, and Buckingham Palace, providing a comprehensive examination of the behind-the-scenes power dynamics.

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