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Billionaire Who Refused to Join Submersible Passengers Exposes OceanGate’s Desperate Move

The Titanic disaster was a catastrophic event that claimed the lives of 1,500 people. The tragedy left an indelible mark on history, serving as a stark reminder of the importance of safety when embarking on adventurous endeavors. However, it appears that some individuals and companies are still disregarding this critical aspect, as demonstrated by the ill-fated Titanic dive that took place this year. Las Vegas billionaire Jay Bloom recently exposed the reckless attitude of OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush towards safety, shedding light on the tragic outcome that followed.

In a series of text messages shared by Bloom, Rush tried to convince him and his son, Sean, to purchase discounted tickets for the Titanic dive. Despite concerns about the sub’s safety, Rush dismissed these apprehensions, claiming that the dive was even safer than crossing the street. He listed what he deemed to be “perceived threats to the vessel,” including attacks by giant sea creatures and any compromising of the hull, which he considered “really stupid stuff.”

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As early as April, Rush began pushing a “last-minute price” of $150,000 per ticket, a significant $100,000 discount from the usual cost of $250,000 as he was quoted by Daily Mail.

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Bloom’s concerns were not unwarranted. The dive, which was supposed to retrieve wreckage and artifacts from the Titanic, ended in disaster. OceanGate’s Titan submersible, carrying Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding, French Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet, and Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son, Suleman, imploded while at a depth of 600 meters. All five individuals lost their lives in the accident.

Photo credit: res.6chcdn.feednews.com

Bloom’s decision to decline the discounted seats offered to him and his son proved to be a life-saving one. The tragic fate of the Titanic dive serves as a somber reminder of the importance of safety and careful consideration in high-risk activities. The recklessness displayed by Rush and OceanGate towards safety protocols is concerning, particularly in light of the warnings raised by experts.

Photo credit: res.6chcdn.feednews.com

The incident has sparked criticism of OceanGate’s adherence to safety protocols and the certification of its experimental design. Former employee David Lochridge had previously raised concerns about OceanGate’s alleged refusal to conduct critical non-destructive testing, leading to a wrongful dismissal claim. Unfortunately, these safety concerns were validated by the catastrophic implosion of the Titan submersible, leaving little hope of recovering any remains from the wreckage.

The tragedy has also raised questions about the future of OceanGate. As the investigation into the incident continues, it remains to be seen how OceanGate will address the concerns raised and implement stricter safety measures to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

The loss of lives and the shattered dreams associated with the Titanic dive will forever be a haunting reminder of the consequences that can arise when safety isn’t given priority. Rush’s ill-advised claims and Bloom’s decision to decline the discounted seats highlight the criticality of heeding safety warnings and conducting thorough assessments in high-risk activities. It is essential that individuals and companies alike prioritize safety to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

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