Royal News

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Car Chase Escalates Feud and Raises Constitutional Questions

In a stunning turn of events, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry find themselves at odds with the Royal Family following their alarming claim of a two-hour “near catastrophic” car chase. The couple alleges that they were relentlessly pursued by paparazzi throughout the streets of New York City, accompanied by Meghan’s mother, Doria Ragland. The gravity of the situation cannot be understated, as the spokesperson for Harry and Meghan revealed, “This relentless pursuit, lasting over two hours, resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians, and two NYPD officers. While being a public figure comes with a level of interest from the public, it should never come at the cost of anyone’s safety.”

In the aftermath of this harrowing experience, the estranged couple has not received any contact or support from their Royal Family counterparts in the United Kingdom. The Telegraph reports that Harry and Meghan feel frustrated by the silence emanating from Buckingham Palace, as there has been no comment or acknowledgment of the incident. The void left by this lack of support only compounds the distress they already feel.

On the other side of the coin, the NYPD has provided a statement shedding light on their involvement in the matter. According to the NYPD, they assisted the private security team responsible for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. They acknowledged the presence of numerous photographers, which contributed to the challenging nature of their transportation. The statement further clarifies that the couple arrived safely at their intended destination, with no reported collisions, summonses, injuries, or arrests.

While the turmoil unfolded, the other members of the Royal Family continued with their scheduled engagements. King Charles III and Queen Camilla dutifully carried out their official duties in Covent Garden, displaying a united front. Meanwhile, the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, demonstrated her unwavering commitment to Mental Health Awareness Week by participating in activities at the Anna Freud Centre in London.

As the tension escalates, another battle emerges over the pictures captured during the alleged car chase. Harry and Meghan’s legal team issued a demand for Backgrid, the photo agency involved, to surrender all photos, videos, and films taken after the couple left their event and throughout the subsequent hours. However, the response they received from Backgrid’s legal team was nothing short of scathing, invoking the foundation of the United States and the rejection of royal prerogative. Mocking the couple’s request, they stated, “In America, as I’m sure you know, property belongs to the owner of it: Third parties cannot just demand it be given to them, as perhaps Kings can do. Perhaps you should sit down with your client and advise them that his English rules of royal prerogative to demand that the citizenry hand over their property to the Crown were rejected by this country long ago. We stand by our founding fathers.”

The clash of ideals and the intricate dynamics surrounding this unfolding drama continue to perplex and captivate onlookers. The fragmented relationship between Harry and Meghan and the Royal Family becomes more pronounced with each passing day, and the resolution seems increasingly elusive. The repercussions of this incident reverberate not only through the lives of those directly involved but also in the wider context of the British monarchy and its interactions with the media. As the saga deepens, the world watches with bated breath, eager to witness the next twist in this high-stakes narrative.

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