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Life as a Trans Woman in a Georgia Prison

Life as a trans woman in a Georgia prison is far from easy, but I do my best to navigate each day with resilience and determination. Despite the challenges, I find ways to make the most of my time, engaging in various activities and pursuing personal growth.

My day begins in a small cell, where I wake up to a simple bed and desk. After quenching my thirst with a bottle of water, I take a few moments to meditate on the floor, grounding myself for the day ahead. Living with degenerative disk disease and neural foraminal stenosis, I prioritize morning stretches to alleviate any discomfort.

Next, I proceed to the restroom to begin my daily routine. A hot shower refreshes me, followed by my hair and skincare regimen. By 7 a.m., I am ready to kick-start my day.

Leaving the dormitory at 7:15 a.m., I head to the facility’s law library where I work as a law clerk. From 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., I dedicate my time to assisting fellow prisoners with their legal challenges. It’s a fulfilling role that allows me to utilize my legal knowledge and provide support to others in need.

During my eight-hour shift, I also practice intermittent fasting and have my breakfast around 8 or 9 a.m. The prison kitchen and packages from my loved ones supply me with oatmeal, trail mix, honey, and a chopped banana. Nourishing my body is essential in maintaining my overall well-being.

At 10 a.m., I make my way to the prison’s chaplaincy space to attend church services. While I had stopped going to church for a period, I have found solace in returning to worship and seeking forgiveness. In the midst of a challenging environment, the spiritual sanctuary provides a safe haven for reflection and solace.

As part of my educational journey, I dedicate time to reading texts on history, theology, philosophy, and etymology. On this particular day, I find Catherine Brekus’ “Strangers & Pilgrims” to be an enlightening and captivating read, expanding my knowledge and broadening my perspectives.

Throughout my day, I also cherish moments spent with friends, cooking meals together and savoring the camaraderie that brings us comfort and support. These connections serve as a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles and that solidarity can be found even within the confines of a prison.

Despite the challenges and limitations I face as a trans woman incarcerated in Georgia, I am committed to personal growth, education, and making a positive impact on those around me. Each day presents its obstacles, but by embracing opportunities for growth and finding solace in personal connections, I strive to create a meaningful and fulfilling life within the prison walls.

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