Local News

Nine Years Later: How Francisco was Found After a Non-Family Abduction

Francisco’s story is a testament to the tireless efforts of law enforcement officials and the hope that is never lost when a child goes missing. Francisco was just 11 years old when he disappeared from Baja, California on August 30, 2000. His family was devastated, and law enforcement officials worked tirelessly to find him. It was classified as a non-family abduction, and authorities had little to go on.

However, in a stroke of luck, Francisco was found safe in Chicago, Illinois in March 2009. He had been missing for nearly nine years. When authorities discovered him, he had no identification papers, but when they looked up his name, they realized he was a missing child.

It’s unclear what Francisco’s life was like during those nine years, but it’s a miracle that he was found alive and well. It’s believed that Francisco was abducted by a convicted child molester, Francisco Daniel Phalen Hernandez. Hernandez was not with Francisco when he was found and is still at large.

Francisco’s recovery is a reminder that missing children cases can be solved, even after many years. It’s also a reminder that the public can play a critical role in helping to locate missing children. Francisco’s case was widely publicized, and someone must have recognized him and contacted authorities.

Francisco’s family will never get back the years they lost, but they can take comfort in the fact that their son is alive and that they finally have answers. Francisco’s story also highlights the importance of never giving up hope, even in the most difficult of circumstances. The road to finding Francisco was long and difficult, but the outcome was nothing short of miraculous.

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