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Missing African-American Men: The Case of Armstrong from Moline Acres, MO

The disappearance of a loved one can be a traumatic event that can leave families and friends searching for answers for years. The case of the missing African-American male, whose name was Armstrong, is one such case. He went missing on February 28, 2015, from Moline Acres, Missouri, and his family and loved ones have been searching for him ever since.

Armstrong’s case is classified as an “endangered missing” case, which means that he was in danger at the time of his disappearance. There are many possible reasons why someone may be classified as “endangered missing.” For example, they may have been abducted, they may have suffered from a medical emergency, or they may have been involved in a dangerous situation.

Armstrong’s case has been classified as “endangered missing” because there were no indications of his whereabouts or safety after his disappearance. The circumstances surrounding his disappearance are still unknown, and his loved ones have been searching for him for years.

The search for Armstrong took a new turn in February 2020 when a skull was found partially covered in dirt near a creek bed in Normandy, Missouri. The area where the skull was found is not far from Castle Park Drive. It was not clear who the skull belonged to until February 2022 when it was identified as Armstrong’s.

The discovery of Armstrong’s skull has brought some closure to his family and loved ones, but it has also raised many questions about his death. The circumstances surrounding the discovery of his skull and the location where it was found have led investigators to believe that Armstrong may have been a victim of foul play.

Armstrong’s death is still under investigation, and investigators are trying to piece together what happened to him between the time of his disappearance and the discovery of his skull. They are looking for any clues or evidence that can help them solve this case.

The discovery of Armstrong’s skull has also brought attention to the issue of missing African-American men. According to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs), there are currently over 30,000 active missing persons cases in the United States. Of these, African-American men make up a disproportionate number of cases.

There are many factors that contribute to the disproportionate number of missing African-American men. One factor is that African-American men are more likely to be involved in high-risk activities such as drug use, gang activity, and violence. Another factor is that there is often a lack of resources and attention given to missing African-American men.

The case of Armstrong highlights the need for more resources and attention to be given to missing African-American men. Families and loved ones of missing African-American men often feel that their cases are not taken seriously or that their loved ones are not given the same level of attention as other missing persons cases.

It is important for law enforcement agencies and the media to give more attention to missing African-American men. By raising awareness about missing African-American men, more resources can be allocated to these cases, and families and loved ones can have a better chance of finding their missing loved ones.

In conclusion, the case of Armstrong is a tragic reminder of the thousands of missing persons cases that are still unsolved in the United States. The discovery of his skull has brought some closure to his family and loved ones, but it has also raised many questions about his death.

The disproportionate number of missing African-American men highlights the need for more attention and resources to be given to these cases. Families and loved ones of missing African-American men need to be given the same level of attention and support as other missing persons cases. Only then can we hope to solve these cases and bring closure to the families and loved ones who have been searching for their missing loved ones for years.

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