Royal News

Hugh Grant accuses The Sun of ordering burglaries and unlawful surveillance in explosive court hearing

Verily, it hath been proclaimed that Hugh Grant, a man of great renown in the arts, hath raised the allegation that The Sun, a newspaper of some infamy, hath ordered burglaries of his homestead, as well as partaking in other illegal endeavours such as the bugging of landlines and phones.

The venerable thespian, a gentleman of sixty-two summers, graced the High Court with his presence on the final day of a hearing wherein News Group Newspapers (NGN) seeks to have the claims made by Mr Grant and His Royal Highness, the Duke of Sussex, thrown out.

Mr Grant, having already secured a claim against NGN with regards to the illegal acquisition of information by the News of the World in the year of our Lord 2012, is now pursuing similar legal action against The Sun.

In a statement made under oath, Mr Grant stated that: “My claim concerns unlawful acts committed by The Sun, including burglaries to order, the breaking and entering of private property in order to obtain private information through bugging, landline tapping, phone hacking, and the use of private investigators to do all these and other illegal things against me.”

The respected thespian went on to state that a private investigator brought the alleged illegal activities to his attention in the early days of the year 2022.

NGN, for their part, deny that any illegal activities occurred within the offices of The Sun.

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