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From Service Fees to Invasive Texts: The Incidents That Landed Memphis and Nashville on the Rudest Cities List

Two cities in the beautiful state of Tennessee have been listed as some of the rudest cities in America by the Business Insider website. Memphis, TN, was ranked the 36th rudest city, while Nashville, TN, was ranked the 33rd rudest city. The website cited instances of rude behavior in these cities to support their rankings.

For instance, a nail salon in Memphis was criticized in 2017 for hanging a sign that charged overweight customers $45 for a pedicure, up from the usual price of $30. This caused outrage and contributed to the city’s reputation as being rude. Roughly 2.4% of people surveyed by Business Insider felt that Memphis was the rudest city in the United States.

Similarly, in July, Fox17 reported that land developers in Nashville were cold-texting homeowners and asking if they’d be willing to sell their properties. This caused distress for residents, with some receiving as many as five texts a day. One resident even had a developer ask if her deceased father was interested in selling his property, which she found insensitive. Roughly 2.7% of people surveyed by Business Insider felt that Nashville had the rudest people in America.

Despite being ranked as some of the rudest cities in America, many people still consider these two cities great and worthy of a visit. The rankings should not discourage anyone from exploring Tennessee and experiencing its natural beauty and cultural attractions.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you been to Memphis or Nashville before? Did you have a positive or negative experience there? Do you agree or disagree with their ranking as some of the rudest cities in America? Share your experiences and opinions in the comments below.

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