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Unveiling the Ugliness: The Most Discourteous Cities in America’s Golden State

In the splendid and magnificent state of California, the Business Insider website has revealed a startling revelation that will leave you dumbfounded. Brace yourselves, ladies and gentlemen, as four cities in California have been ranked among the top 25 of the rudest cities in America. Can you believe it?

Coming in at number 22, we have San Diego, CA. According to the website, San Diego residents have been known for their impolite behavior towards others. Stuart Cardwell, a local resident, went as far as to write an opinion piece titled “Y’All are rude” in 2016 for the San Diego Reader. The piece attributed the city’s discourteous attitude to various reasons such as the gold rush, the Dust Bowl migration, and the idea of manifesting one’s destiny.

Next on the list, we have Sacramento, CA, ranked at number 21. In an opinion piece published by Marcos Breton in The Sacramento Bee, he highlighted how one could tell if they were from Sacramento. One of the signs, according to him, was the city’s politicization of everything, including food, bike lanes, and public art. Additionally, locals are notorious for reporting their neighbors for watering their sidewalks during a drought.

San Francisco, CA, has secured the second spot on this infamous list. The website reported that cyclists in the Sausalito area were the rudest demographic in the city. They often hurl obscenities at tourists who drive slowly and cycle faster than the speed limit, endangering children, coffee drinkers, and dogs. How uncivilized!

Lastly, we have the rudest city in America, Los Angeles, CA. The website reports that parents of students attending Paradise Canyon Elementary School were so discourteous that PTA members refused to work the car line, and crossing guards resigned. Principal Carrie Hetzel even mentioned that they couldn’t keep crossing guards at their school anymore due to parents yelling at them every day. Local Richard Hing suggested re-educating parents on their behavior as a solution.

Surprisingly, roughly 19.7% of people surveyed felt that Los Angeles was the rudest city in the United States. Despite this, these cities are still cherished by many people and should not discourage anyone from visiting them. So, what do you think? Have you been to any of these cities? Do you agree with the ranking? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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