The royal fashion scene has been shaken up once again, with the recent emergence of Princess Kate’s love for small handbags. While Princess Diana was known for her Dior clutch bags and Queen Elizabeth often carried a boxy Lainer London bag, Princess Kate has opted for a more compact look. But just how much can she fit into her teeny-tiny handbags?
Royal commentator Amanda Matta has conducted an experiment to find out. Using Kate’s Nano Montreal handbag from DeMellier as a reference point, which measures a mere six inches at the top and seven inches at the base, Amanda attempted to pack the tiny bag to the brim. And what did she find? Surprisingly, quite a lot.
In her public TikTok video, Amanda revealed that Kate is able to fit her phone, a hairbrush, lipstick, hand sanitiser, and a small wallet inside her purse. However, Amanda noted that she was unable to fit a notebook inside, despite reports that Kate is often seen carrying one at royal events.
But according to royal biographer Macica Moddy, Kate’s everyday handbag likely contains just four items: a compact mirror, blotting paper, a handkerchief, and lip balm. If she’s carrying a tote bag, she might also have her personal camera on hand, as Kate is an avid photographer.
Of course, what Kate carries in her handbag varies depending on the occasion. During royal duties, items like cash, travel cards, and IDs are likely carried by the royal entourage. And at events where security is a concern, Kate probably opts for a different bag altogether to prevent theft or loss of personal items.
All in all, the contents of Kate’s handbag remain a mystery to most, as it’s considered impolite to snoop around in someone’s personal belongings. But one thing’s for sure – with her tiny top-handled bags, Princess Kate is making a statement in the fashion world.