Royal News

Prince Harry’s Shocking Testimony: Royal Family Kept Him in the Dark on Phone Hacking Claims

In a stunning revelation, Prince Harry has claimed that the Royal Family “without a doubt” kept crucial information from him regarding phone hacking. In a witness statement submitted before his civil claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers, Harry stated that he abided by the family’s rule to “never complain, never explain” when dealing with the media.

Harry said that he only became aware of his claim against News Group Newspapers in 2018. He claimed that the Institution was “without a doubt withholding information from me for a long time about NGN’s phone hacking and that has only become clear in recent years as I have pursued my own claim with different legal advice and representation.”

The Duke of Sussex is one of several high-profile individuals to bring claims against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) for misuse of private information.

Harry also revealed that he discovered other members of the Royal Family had brought phone hacking claims against the press only in 2020 after he moved out of the United Kingdom. He added that there was never any centralised discussion about who had brought claims within the family as each office was siloed. He noted that the Institution made it clear that they did not need to know anything about phone hacking.

Harry claims that his brother William was among the targets of a private investigator, Glenn Mulcaire, who worked for both Mail newspapers in 2005 and 2006. ANL denies the allegations, and the preliminary hearing will consider legal arguments, after which a judge will decide whether it will proceed.

In his statement of claim, Harry said that he is bringing the action because he loves his country and he remains deeply concerned by the unchecked power, influence and criminality of Associated. “The British public deserves to know the full extent of this cover-up, and I feel it is my duty to expose it,” he added.

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