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Spectrum News 13 Mourns the Loss of Colleague in Tragic Shooting Incident

In a tragic turn of events on the afternoon of February 23rd, a reporter and a photographer from Orlando’s Spectrum News 13 were sent to cover the shooting of a 20-year-old woman that had taken place earlier that day in Pine Hills. Unfortunately, the shooter returned to the crime scene and opened fire on people present, taking the life of journalist Dylan Lyons and seriously injuring photographer Jesse Walden.

According to local authorities, Lyons and Walden were shot “in or near” their vehicles, though the motive behind the shooting is still under investigation. The 19-year-old shooter has been apprehended and taken into custody.

In response to the tragedy, Spectrum News expressed their condolences and shared their sorrow: “We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague and the other lives senselessly taken today. Our thoughts are with our employee’s family, friends, and co-workers during this very difficult time.”

Colleagues of the late Dylan Lyons at Spectrum News 13 paid tribute to their fallen coworker, describing him as someone who “loved the community, telling the stories of people reporting on the news, and he was just passionate about what he did.” The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) also expressed their support, condemning the attack and offering their condolences to those affected.

Larry Goldbetter, President of the National Writers Union, spoke out against the increasing levels of violence in the US, highlighting the fact that this tragedy marks the 80th mass shooting in the country in the first two months of 2023. He acknowledged that covering news in the US is an increasingly dangerous job, but also noted that it’s heartening to see journalists supporting one another in times of crisis.

IFJ Secretary General Anthony Bellanger echoed Goldbetter’s sentiments, expressing his shock and sadness over the murder of Dylan Lyon and the injury of Jesse Walden. He called for the gunman to be held accountable and face the full consequences of his actions.

Tragically, this shooting is just one in a long list of violent acts that have plagued the US in recent years. It’s a sobering reminder of the importance of journalists in sharing news with the public and the risks they face in doing so. Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and their coworkers during this difficult time.

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