The love story of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle took an unexpected turn when Prince Harry arrived late for their first date. In his memoir ‘Spare,’ Prince Harry revealed that he got stuck in a horrible traffic jam while passing Piccadilly Circus to see the actress.
Prince Harry was anxious that Meghan would leave him, and his fears only grew as he encountered one obstacle after another. His bodyguards and he would come to a full stop in the road and sit for five minutes or more, groaning, sweating, and mentally shouting at the mass of unmoving cars. Finally, he texted Meghan to apologize for being late due to the horrible traffic. Her response was simply “OK,” which only fueled Prince Harry’s anxiety. He thought to himself, “She might leave.”
As they inched towards the restaurant, Prince Harry panicked and told his bodyguards, “She’s gonna leave.” He texted Meghan again, hoping she would understand his situation, but he couldn’t bring himself to run through the streets of London to get to her. To him, it would be like a llama running through the streets.
Despite his worries, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle eventually tied the knot in 2018. However, the recent release of Prince Harry’s memoir has caused quite a stir in the royal family. In addition to facing criticism for writing about his relationship with his father, King Charles, Camilla, and his brother Prince William, Prince Harry is reportedly terrified that the royal family will leak his “deepest secrets” out of revenge. According to OK, “the royal family is so up in arms that they may strike back in retaliation.”