Comedy Central’s “South Park” savages Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, depicting the couple as royalty from Canada in an episode titled “The Worldwide Privacy Tour.” The pair is labeled as the prince and his wife, and are shown holding signs that say “STOP LOOKING AT US!” and “WE WANT OUR PRIVACY!!!” while chanting “We want privacy” as they are booed on stage.
The show’s host interrogates the couple about their new book “WAAAGH,” which is based on Prince Harry’s real-life memoir “Spare.” In the episode, the couple announces their departure from Canada and embarks on a “Worldwide Privacy Tour” before settling in South Park, Colorado.
Kyle Broflovski, one of the show’s main characters, is upset about the royal couple moving in across the street from him. During lunch with his friends, he complains about their attempt to sell him their book, although his friends are not interested. In recent months, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have revealed much about the royal family, including claims made in Harry’s book that his brother William physically attacked him.
The couple resides in Montecito, California, where their plummeting popularity has been contrasted with Catherine, Princess of Wales, who has been seen “keeping calm and carrying on” while focusing on her duties and raising her family.