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A High School Project That Changes Lives: The Story of the Wheelchair-Bound Mother and Her Innovative Stroller

Sharina Jones, a once bright-eyed young girl with big dreams for the future, was left paralyzed after being shot with a gun at just five years old. Losing the use of her legs was a traumatic and life-altering experience, leaving her with a mix of emotions and a sense of fear for what the future might hold.

Now, thirty years later, Sharina is pregnant for the first time and has a new set of worries to contend with. Her main concern was whether she would be able to safely bear her child given her wheelchair-bound state.

Alden Kane, a senior at the University of Detroit Jesuit High School, created a device that would allow wheelchair-bound mothers to carry their babies. Kane’s device was inspired by Sharina, who became his collaborator and muse.

The device was a working prototype, born from six years of endurance, outlook, and practicality. Kane consulted with Sharina to determine the device’s workability, including where to put a diaper bag and how Sharina can move around in the chair.

Sharina expressed her concerns about operating a stroller in a wheelchair, explaining that many of her friends with babies run around with strollers, leaving her to wonder how she would cope. After Sharina used Kane’s device, he stated that “It was extremely exciting and rewarding to see Sharina using it.”

In an interview with FOX 2, Sharina described how the device made it possible for her to hold and carry her child, something that she had previously thought was impossible. Kane also spoke about the experience of working with Sharina, saying that “It was great to meet her and talk to her about what she wants and doesn’t want.”

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