Royal News

Royal expert warns of King Charles’ ‘ruthless’ response to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s tarnishing of the Crown

In the throes of continued mudslinging, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have reportedly been bearing the brunt of a more merciless King Charles, according to royal expert and writer Katie Nicholl in an interview with GB News.

Nicholl insinuated that King Charles could manifest his ruthless side in the event that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex continue to soil the royal brand. “Charles is not going to stand back and let his family or the institution or the reputation of the Crown – which is everything to him – be tarnished,” she warned.

Nicholl believes that even the royal titles of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s children may be put in jeopardy if they continue to tarnish the monarchy’s reputation. “I think, perhaps, there might be a question mark over the future of Harry and Meghan’s titles potentially if they are seen to be deliberately tarnishing the reputation of the monarchy, absolutely,” she said.

In a stern warning to the couple, she said that their trust and respect have to be earned, and the whole issue of titles is up for discussion.

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